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  1. 420mon

    UN warns America The United Nations has issued the United States a stern warning Mon says the UN can suck it.........
  2. 420mon

    Thinking of coming out to Cali for some cuts

    queenbeee's greencrack & sour d, came out fire, all from harborside and no problems.......
  3. 420mon

    Crock Pot Cannabutter for Dummies

    Wanted to let everyone know the keif idea worked and the butter is extremely strong, however mon did remelt and stirred up again. Mon ate a few cookies and rice crispy made from butter, after an hour or so Mon was so high mon was like wtf why is mon so high and then mon would remember oh yea its...
  4. 420mon

    Key Lime Pie Strain ...anyone?

    Mon have this strain himself..... When picked up at harborside I asked and they had it written down and showed me.....Mon took one to try out, will throw it outdoors when time is right.
  5. 420mon

    Key Lime Pie Strain ...anyone?

    it is Cherry Pie & Durban poison
  6. 420mon

    I was reading this and thought, what a waste......

    Did you know P.A.W.S. and many other animal rescue's have many wild animals that they have rescued and they have many tigers and bears that would eat this meat? They depend on donations of expired meats from the supermarkets, one tiger can easily eat 20 lbs of expired chicken a day. The local...
  7. 420mon

    I was reading this and thought, what a waste......

    Is no slaughter house, a local processing plant prepares the meat once it has been donated by the state’s many hunters. Mon would think this meat would be better than much of the "meat" you buy at your local store, thousands of dollars worth of meat that would help the hungry go to waste...
  8. 420mon

    I was reading this and thought, what a waste......

    What does everyone else think? I think it's not only a huge waste but who the hell is anyone to tell anyone that deer meat is not permitted to be served in a shelter? Who made that rule/law, and what gives them the right to make that law...
  9. 420mon

    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

    In the morning the cock sings, Why is the cock singing? The hen laid an egg, that will grow up to be a chicken.....Shiva was extremely pleased by this and rewarded the cock with divine status.:dunce::dunce:
  10. 420mon

    I have a drug test for a job soon...can you help me with some questions?

    This works, but is a felony if caught...........
  11. 420mon

    I have a drug test for a job soon...can you help me with some questions?

    Lots of cranberry juice and water until day of testing, day of testing, one gallon of tea before test........hint you can finish the gallon on the way to test etc. They might ask you if you need anything to drink to help u pee, but at this point you will say NO Thanks because you gota pee so bad...
  12. 420mon

    alright man, mon will stop at post office and send tomorrow when mon go thru town....

    alright man, mon will stop at post office and send tomorrow when mon go thru town....
  13. 420mon

    no problem, give me your address or where you want them shipped.......these will be some very...

    no problem, give me your address or where you want them shipped.......these will be some very good indica/Sativa hybrid seeds, big yield covered in frosty crystals......This strain is mon creation, nobody except me and you will have this.......Eveyone always like it, taste like lemons and very...
  14. 420mon

    Should I harvest?

    yes harvest asap, before it goes so far....hurry
  15. 420mon

    Sour Diesel

    Harborside has two different sour d from different nurserys....this was 2-3 days ago but you can check on twitter what strains they have.
  16. 420mon

    Are these hermie?

    Nick99 is correct, it does not look like a hermie and looks like a calyxes. If it is at least wait til u see a banna looking thing before cutting off, you jus dont want banna looking thing to open like a flower and relase pollen, thts where u will find the pollen if a herm
  17. 420mon

    A message to anyone posting in this Room

    Stop lying, don't and him could be sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G........It does make sense, you have been picking on him since 41 post an some change.
  18. 420mon

    A message to anyone posting in this Room

    bmeat and mr2shim shd get a room already....its like highschool the boy picking on the girl cuz he "likes" her.
  19. 420mon

    Crock Pot Cannabutter for Dummies

    Hey guys, mon had an idea and keifed trim, mon used 2 lbs of butter and roughly 2 oz keif, mon worried because mon didn't "cook" it very long. Mon melted butter in crock pot and once butter was all melted, mon added 2 oz keif and only left for about an hour tops..... Anyway the butter smells...
  20. 420mon

    what will happen if theres no more room to grow up for my plant?

    supercropping works great and gives you more branches and more branches give you more buds.......