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  1. 420mon

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Bitch Took My Ring and Gave Me the Finger I Hate Every Bone In Her Body But Mine Ran Off With My Best Friend If The Phone Don't Ring, You'll Know It's Me I'm So Miserable Without You It's Like You're Still Here She's Lookin' Better with Every Beer I Ain't Never Gone To Bed With an Ugly...
  2. 420mon

    Riu - racism and hatecrime in newbie area

    Tyrone knocked up 4 girls in the gang There be 20 girls in his gang. What be the percentage of bitches Tyrone knocked up? Lajames has an AK-47 with a 200-round clip He usually misses 6 of every 10 shots and he uses 13 rounds per drive- by shootin How many mofos can Lajames ice on a drive-...
  3. 420mon

    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

    Never underestimate the troll's ability to join forces for they love clandestine butchery. And remember If you have a bad cough, take a large dose of laxatives, then you'll be afraid to cough. Also if you could kick the person in the nads responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit...
  4. 420mon

    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

    if a troll, troll's a troll and more troll's troll a troll, who trolls more? the troll trolling the trolls or the troll's trolling the troll?
  5. 420mon

    Flowering in the spring near the equator

    If you want to keep them in flower you need to control the darkness, simply cover them with black plastic. You can even cover a lil shorter everyday like the season was coming to end, cover a minute sooner every week etc...
  6. 420mon

    What Deficiency?!

    Did the temperature drop much? Did you feed it anything new or change nutes before problem started? Is the plant in veg or flowering? Reason mon ask is becuse mon has seen leaves do that when the temps get down low however mon has seen it happen while a plant was in flower and nutes were...
  7. 420mon

    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts Leave finsaggy ALONE!!!!!!
  8. 420mon

    how is everyone so blind??! #prices!

    Mon learn that if you don't treat em right they will leave and find it elsewhere......great weed sell itself, everyone must have it and never enough :)
  9. 420mon

    need help: plant looks sad.

    Once a day water is too much and it look hungry........
  10. 420mon

    Just curious bout the growing.

    From wut mon see, you got roughly 2lbs good bud and another 2 of fluff....4lbs maybe 5 tops with total of good and fluffy buds if you lucky......they look like 2 oz plants and that tells me 2 oz x 31 = about 4 lb give or take
  11. 420mon

    synthetic weed

    This is a horrible drug and it is nothing like marijuana, anyone who use this stuff shd stop ASAP, just smoke real weed wtf...........
  12. 420mon

    help! spider mites when in flowering?

    use the neem lightly, try to avoid getting too much on the buds and get more on the under belly of the leaves, and stalks.....hairs can go a lil red from the neem, so go light if you spray the flowers.
  13. 420mon

    Dirty Pickle............

    Fuck a roommate, get a wife they take much better care of ya.....Never had a roommate Mon liked, Mon still like his wife............
  14. 420mon

    DA dumps medical pot driver charges
  15. 420mon

    how much longer?

    Only a retard would listen to bmeat and if thats the case then they fukin deserve it......If Mon is unsure, he will research it and use common sense wither to do it or not.
  16. 420mon

    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

    it's not you, it's me........
  17. 420mon

    3 Word Story

    in sight because
  18. 420mon

    Who said Money cannot buy happiness.

    With more money comes more problems, mon has seen this...... Mon has a family member with over 800 million and stacking... Yeh he gots his own priv jet, owns a casino in LV, owns a law firm, owns more cars, trucks, jags and rovers, limmos and boats than mon can count. Lives in a mansion, live in...
  19. 420mon

    Very good example of nitrogen levels!

    Howdy, Mon have a small question.....are the lighter plants younger or the same age as the darker plants?
  20. 420mon

    Don't know whats wrong.

    Mon does nto like to clone sick plants, as the def will start showing in the clones....if you are gonna clone it shd be healthy so u can start off good......mon would not waste his time clone those.