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  1. C

    Should I worry about yellowing leaves?

    Thank you. It is def working its way up.
  2. C

    Should I worry about yellowing leaves?

    Hey there. I have an outdoor plant (Special Queen #1) who is premature budding. Should I be worried about the yellowing/burnt tips of some leaves? I haven’t watered myself in about a week and when I do ph is always in range. Top dress kelp meal every now and gain as well. All advice welcome. To...
  3. C

    Premature flower or normal?

    Theoretically I can put out a cfl. Or I have porch lights that are Christmas like like I can wrap around on the porch. At this point it seems flowers are forming. What can I do? Am I best off putting a cfl out there until the solstice in 12 days? What would happen if I let it ride?
  4. C

    Premature flower or normal?

    Grown from seed. Was put full time outside late April/early May With 13 hours 53 mins of light plus 55 mins of civil twilight. I started them inside on 18/6 schedule but the schedule was slowly adjusted to 15/9 in the weeks before outside. Currently getting 14 hours and 24 minutes of sunlight...
  5. C

    Premature flower or normal?

    Hey all! I have an outdoor plant that has been outdoors since late april. It is producing more preflowers than ever last 3 days. Is it going into a premature flower? Or just maturing still?
  6. C

    Still trying to diagnose

    Could you explain that ?
  7. C

    Still trying to diagnose

    Yes that is what I have thought. If Ph isn’t a problem is calmag a solution?
  8. C

    Still trying to diagnose

    Done haha. Thank you. I appreciate it.
  9. C

    Still trying to diagnose

    Mulch. Should I get rid of it?
  10. C

    Still trying to diagnose

    Hey there. What exactly do you think is wrong with these two plants? Both showing same thing. Been giving them Ph’ed with more consistency, but has been raining a good bit. New growth still has these slight spots. Help please. In soil 30 gallon pots, soil Ph is between 6.5 and 7. One is a 50/50...
  11. C

    What can I do to save plants?

    Hello! I recently transplanted my plants from smaller containers into larger containers with the same mix of organic soil with perlite (tested PH of 6.8). Recently my plants have been displaying signs of what looks like many deficiencies (spots, dark purple at edges of leaves) on all new and old...
  12. C

    Do I have hope? How to move on from here?

    Ph of water has ranged between 6.2 and 7.2 I would say each time I have checked. Mainly using tap water that has sat out over 24 hours but last few days have been just rain.
  13. C

    Do I have hope? How to move on from here?

    Mainly due to what looks like a Calmag problem. Also used peat in original soil mix and might’ve over added without compensating with lime.
  14. C

    Do I have hope? How to move on from here?

    Sure. Started showing signs of rust on leaves, now dark spots have taken over leaves after I moved it outside. Have ruled out bugs. Feeding Biobizz line of nutrients with PH'ed water but for past 3 days and continuing later this week just allowing the rain to water it.
  15. C

    Do I have hope? How to move on from here?

    Hey there. Afghani outdoors displaying signs of nute lockout. I’d take all and any advice. Closer up pictures would reveal many more spots etc
  16. C

    CalMag problem? PH problem?

    Gotcha. Only using biobizz (Biogrow) at 70% strength have worked up from 25%. Has been getting warm up to 80 or 83 degrees. I’ll look into calmag as I have PH test kits on the way.
  17. C

    Believe PH is too low. Lockout eating away at plant! Help!

    Age: about 50 days one Afghani one special queen #1 First 2 are Afghani (more affected) Second 2 is special queen (showing first signs)
  18. C

    Believe PH is too low. Lockout eating away at plant! Help!

    Hey all! I have 2 outdoors plants in 30 gallon pots in a mixture of compost/peat/perlite. For the past 3 days one of my plants has shown signs of a ph problem (rusty spots, bluish purple tinting on edges of leaves, dark spotting on even new growth). This morning I noticed my other plant had...