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  1. C

    CalMag problem? PH problem?

    Hey there. Im growing outdoors in pots with peat/compost/perlite. One of my plants has been gaining brown markings that is even present as spots on the newest of growth. What can I do to get in front of it? I should add it feels like it started light and moved to darker. Can get better pics...
  2. C

    Brown preflowers/thrips?

    A better pic of the preflowers
  3. C

    Brown preflowers/thrips?

    Should I be concerned about browned preflowers? I have a plant that has a little thrip damage and the preflowers seemed to have turned slightly brown comparwd to my other outdoor plant. Have been spraying neem for the thrips. Can they affect harvest or if I get them under control I’ll be ok?
  4. C

    How concerned should I be?

    It did not. Really noticing it lore on top leaves
  5. C

    How concerned should I be?

    Hey there! First time outdoor grower. Growing in pots on my porch in large containers. One of my plants has been dealing with more spots etc on leaves. I have noticed a few small bugs but nothing crazy, removing them each time and started spraying neem oil. Can anyone ID the issue? And how...
  6. C

    Daylight + Civil twilight enough to keep from premature flower?

    Appreciate it! A lot of research and reading. Have immensely enjoyed the hobby and when female preflowers showed yesterday I was over the moon!
  7. C

    Daylight + Civil twilight enough to keep from premature flower?

    Good AM! I have been planing to move my plants full time outside soon as the temperatures are warm enough and they are fully hardened to sunlight. I get 13 hours and 53 minutes of light including 55 minutes of civil twilight to bring it to a total of 14 hours and 48 minutes of total light. A few...
  8. C

    Daylight + Civil twilight enough to keep out of premature flower?

    Good AM! I have been planing to move my plants full time outside soon as the temperatures are warm enough and they are fully hardened to sunlight. I get 13 hours and 53 minutes of light including 55 minutes of civil twilight to bring it to a total of 14 hours and 48 minutes of total light. A few...