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    Country that don't suck

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    Who remembers the 60's?

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    Who remembers the 60's?

    Now for something completely different.
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    Open Show & Tell 2018

    Classic control is to leave a rolled up damp newspaper overnight and they will crawl in. Take newspaper outside in morning and dispose bugs.
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    Seeds sprout but no growth?

    Some seeds are just garbage. I received some free 'promo" seeds with an order and the seeds sprouted but all the plants were weak and lethargic. Some "promo".
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    Who remembers the 60's?

    I was just gonna post a Donovan, oh well, two in a row.
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    Check out my new strain no nutes all diluted pee water

    "Don't listen to idiots giving you shit over this."..... Boy, when ganga gurl lays down the law aint nobody gonna sass her :) I started using liquid gold this spring to accelerate composting and it worked great. Then I wondered how this plentiful nitrogen source would work on the garden and I...
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    Oregon Outdoors

    6 weeks to the day later. Sherbert.
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    Check out my new strain no nutes all diluted pee water

    My plant likes nitrate and ammonium molecules regardless where they come from.
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    Check out my new strain no nutes all diluted pee water

    6 weeks of DPW and this plant has grown from a 15 leaf dispensary clone into a little bush. Hoping for 6 or 8 ozs.
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    Oregon Outdoors

    Beautiful, and you have blue skies unlike down here in the smoky south.
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    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    Well those Florida sheriffs are nicer than I thought... warning growers of impending trouble.
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    Check out my new strain no nutes all diluted pee water

    If you get too much pee it will show in burnt (brown) tips of the leaves. Until then, have at it.
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    Check out my new strain no nutes all diluted pee water

    She's saying your pee is weak. :)
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    Check out my new strain no nutes all diluted pee water

    That's pretty much all you need until they go to flower when I would change to a phosphorus dominant fertilizer.
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    Break up songs.

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    Break up songs.

    I'll see your Ernest Tubb....
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    Who remembers the 60's?

    Neil Young meets Dick Clark. whodathunk?
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    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    At such low elevation, what becomes of that water that percolates through the sand? Does it re emerge on land or is there a brackish water table it seeps into?
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    Who remembers the 60's?

    This was a classic group that frequented the bay area and is said to have inflluenced the Dead, Quicksilver Messenger Service and others on the west coast.