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  1. B

    Frost. Will my plants survive?

    Throw a sheet over it.
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    First grow

    Looks good
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    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    You can go on Accuweather, click on month forecast and see a truly long range forecast for laughs. My forecast shows no rain until October 11. Couldn't have ordered up a better long range forecast.:-P
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    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Hasn't rained in the Rogue Valley in years, or so it seems.
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    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    42 this morning and no dew! Gotta love it.
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    Rooftop Greenhouse Grow Amsterdam

    Get a dehydrator and have delicious dried (not brittle dried, more like fruit leather dried) slices all year. Great on sandwiches and in pasta.
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    Oregon growers

    I see oaks. Has to be west side.
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    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Great time of year. Tomatoes busting out, figs and pears nearly ready and a couple of bushy plants for an October dessert.
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    First outdoor grow

    Plants grow outdoors in a garden. Plants grow indoors in a labratory. I prefer to spend my time in a garden.
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    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    So your neighbors get friendly around October? How much do you give them? I'm going to have enough to make my neighbor real happy.
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    Oregon, HOT!!!!!!!

    109 in Medford. What a weekend for the THC fair.
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    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    The mid 50s is the low temp. RH now 16% so it's a little more comfortable. I don't worry too much about powdery mildew.
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    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    Same ole thing day after day. 93 and climbing with 18% humidity. Mid 50s at dawn and I can't remember when it last rained.
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    any advice ?

    You can pick up a quart of Alaska Fish Ferilizer, organic or otherwise, fairly cheaply. Apply that every couple of days until the plants green up. Only get into ph if the fish fertilizer or other Nitrogen fertilizer fails to green up the plants.
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    Oregon Rec. Grow

    They have a large building used for the master gardener event so I would bet that would be the primary location.
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    Oregon Rec. Grow

    Thanks for the heads up but looking it up I find it is at the expo in Central Point. Right on the freeway for those unfamiliar with the location.
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    Oregon Rec. Grow

    The white moths are not the problem. They are cabbage moths and will go after plants in the Mustard Family. We are concerned with the budworm whose moth is tan and apparently comes out at night. I have had 3 micro budworms on my 2 auto flowers even with sporadic spraying of bt. When my...
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    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Well Dang Me, I hadn't smoked dope in 30 years and just thought it would be fun to grow a couple what am I going to do?
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    Oregon is no doubt the coolest state
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    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    91 degrees 14% humidity. Typical summer afternoon here.