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  1. B

    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    That movie is gold. So many characters. Now I imagine you, too Larry, as the hunter Snake, in his camo and with his stern gaze. But seriously that soil where they show the turkey tracks looks awful. Kudos if you can pull any plants out of that.
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    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    Dang, you are in NW Florida? You must not be far from Vernon, a place that intrigued me when I saw the documentary of the same name by Errol Morris almost 40 years ago. Wild turkey country.
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    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    That is zone "convection oven". Redding's temps are about the same as Bakersfield in July. And that is amazing considering it must be 400 miles north.
  4. B

    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    94 with 22% humidity and severe clear in southern Oregon. This could be about the norm for the next 2 1/2 months.
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    Oregon Outdoors

    Water it in and you have a great nitrogen source. Plus your pooch is lollypoping your plants by removing the lower dog.
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    whos had some experience with GELATO

    Say it aint so. I just planted a sherbert and would like to know what to expect. Budrot? Is it a budworm magnet?
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    Oregon Outdoors

    I put my clone out the day after I bought it and the temperature neared 90 that day. I was prepared to shade it but there was no wilt and no harm. I also have a couple of late started skunk #1s (regular, as a promo) and they are a few inches high but whether they are female or male will be the...
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    Oregon Outdoors

    Going small in southern Oregon. I sat out last year after pulling in too much for my needs 2 years ago. I don't want to repeat that so I planted this Sherbert clone on June 12. I'm hoping this will stay under 4 feet with supercropping and stay manageable. This stuff is just too fun to sit out 2...
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    Oregon growers

    I believe budworms will be your biggest threat. I would spray BT now until a couple of weeks before harvest and examine the plants daily.
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    Well hail destroyed my garden

    Radar out there looked serious yesterday. But that kind of damage is crazy.
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    11/9 the day legal pot died

    Swing BACK? Check it out... Clinton won the popular vote.
  12. B

    Kanye West Would Have Voted For Trump

    Kayne West? I thought those were islands off of Florida.
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    Jeff Sessions : 'I thought the KKK were OK, till I learned they smoked pot'

    Most libertarians in my experience are just cheap asses that don't want to pay their taxes.
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    Front page crop news in far we have come
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    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    Must be nice to cut in November.
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    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    For all my griping about this abnormally wet October in Oregon, so far there has been no frost in Ashand which is unusual. But I would have preferred a little frost on the buds rather than botrytis.
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    Oregon growers

    The Pennywise is great. And it had no bud rot or pm. I love the effect, relaxing, mild buzz with a clear head and no munchies. Highly recommended. The pineapple kush smells great but not dry enough yet.
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    Oregon growers

    Anybody still outside in Oregon? Took down my Pineapple Kush 3 days ago with botrytis problems. Lost maybe 1/10 of the buds. I think the rain and clouds retarded the ripening and I could have used another week or two. OTOH, there are those that favor cutting indicas before they show amber...
  19. B

    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    Awful weather to watch rot spots on your buds. Foggy and 42. Wettest October in years, wouldn't you know it.
  20. B

    My 2017 Strain Selection Begins

    I'm afraid it will be autos for me. This Pineapple Kush I have may not finish till sometime in November and is holding me hostage. I'm unable to travel and enjoy the late autumn except for day trips. I didn't realize I was signing up for a such a long hitch.