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  1. 4


    I have my plants in peat root cubes... which i then transplanted to little tiny pots that the roots can grow through.... i got a good setup and shit but my one plant is wilting really bad and the leaves are 'slightly' turning yellow..... please help i think its dying! i water like once a...
  2. 4

    followup on the purple question

    ya man u need to get quality soil thats a major thing... and mix it with vermiculite or somethin...when u get better try using coco too that shit does wonders. also dont use miracle grow it sucks dick for quarters. stick with FoxFarms soil and ferts!! ;)
  3. 4

    followup on the purple question

    there ARE some auto-flowering strains however they are pretty rare and you would probably know if you had one... But even if you did have one of those, i would imagine the plant would get bigger than that before it flowered. best of luck ONE :bongsmilie:
  4. 4

    followup on the purple question

    man this is constructive criticism but i cant tell what in the hell ur asking... and u got things all f'd up... most likely, that plant shouldn't be flowering at that height.... i mean ya its possible but.... anyways.. for veg growth, do 18 hours light... when ur plant gets anywhere above...
  5. 4

    Favorite Strains

    i personally like to mess with different kush strains.. had some sick jack herer.. durbon poison too
  6. 4

    HELP ME PLEASE save my dieing plant!

    looks like too much water from that view
  7. 4

    Damn peat pellets!!!

    so my leaves are drooping heavily now cuz i buried the peat cubes and they stay wet way too long. the soil outside of these cubes is always dry so u never know when to water and then they drowning... never using again... now i gotta see if i can revive them :wall: anyone else ever...
  8. 4

    Why leafy?

    just trim the damn things.... thats what harvesting is all about... then make some food :D
  9. 4

    male rite?

    chop that bastard down and incinerate him!!! that sucks man :( bongsmilie
  10. 4

    White widow yield

  11. 4

    noobiest marijuana growing topic

    yea... amazon. com "Marijuana Horticulture" the indoor/outdoor medical growers bible... 512 COLOR PAGES!!!.... haha... seriously... it made me a genius.. :bongsmilie:
  12. 4

    can you pollinate feminised seeds

    Yes you can... its no different except for the fact that if seeds are feminized it means they have good ancestry because of the way they were breed.... So... it will work perfectly... and u should have good weed if your not an idiot
  13. 4

    force females

    Yes there is a way but must be done within first few weeks as a seedling..... High moisture, blue'r light, lower temp, and high nitrogen all influence the seedling to be a female.... This info is straight out of the newest grow bible so its all true.
  14. 4

    White widow yield

    Hey guys i got two white widow plants growing in my closet right now under a 400w hps/mh conversion. I have 3 more germinating right now because 2 seeds didnt make it through the first batch. they are about 2 inches tall now with they first leaves still... Say i come out with 4 plants...
  15. 4

    Weirdly shaped plant - male? (pictures)

    hard to say man but ur plant dont really look odd i must say... it looks pretty to me its just short and bushy which is golden for indoor growers ;) pray for female!!
  16. 4

    purple question

    thats wierd man because you control when it flowers by putting it on 12-12 cycle... In veg it should be 16-18 daylight hours... preferably 16 during seedling stage to promote female tendencies. Blue light as well does this ;) But anyways ya thats odd man the only strain that flowers...
  17. 4

    Rabbit Air Odor Killer!!!

    did u actually read about it??? the rabbit air has activated carbon filter as well as 6 others man... its gotta be better than an ionizer
  18. 4

    Rabbit Air Odor Killer!!!

    Ok so I just purchased a RabbitAir MinusA2 SPA-780A... u can check it out at rabbitair. com... it supposedly has like 7 filters including a charcoal one. lets u choose between 1 specialized filter as well; choices are germ defense, allergy, or toxin absorber... Seems to be a pretty bad ass...
  19. 4

    Am i watering too much?!

    so can alcohol.... u just cant be an idiot about it like some people :wall:
  20. 4

    Am i watering too much?!

    just picked me up some morphine 60's tonight.. as well as some blueberry kush. :mrgreen: