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  1. budforever442200

    How safe is

    Mods?????????????? Hello, i can not see you, come closer.
  2. budforever442200

    is this light system junk?

    HYDRO FARM Powerhouse!!!!!! The best lights on the market. Also the best customer service there is. 7 year warranty... safe and easy to use
  3. budforever442200

    Growing for the "first" time...

    put them in 2..diff 3gal containers..veg is when the plants are not producing buds, just growing green growth. the lights are on for 18 to 24 hrs a day. flowering is when the plants a producing buds and the lights are on for 12 a day. JAH LOVE
  4. budforever442200

    Growing for the "first" time...

    Question set # 1 How big of a growing pot? As big as you can 5gal sould be plenty what type of soil? (pro-mix was one of my choice) Black gold or foxfarm what type of light? how many plants? hps/mh conversion Question set # 2 How long does it usually take? Depends on how big you want them. 4-5...
  5. budforever442200

    Cracking the stem

    Hotnsexymilfs right on.
  6. budforever442200

    New to cloning blunder. Have I doomed my plants by using MG soil!?

    Mg is way too hot! never plant in mg. Get good soil it will help you when your flowering.
  7. budforever442200

    Lighting Question???, 1 plant. 3.2 weeks in

    I f you want good nugs ur going to have to get a hps. buy it with cash.
  8. budforever442200

    Fungus Gnats

    most of the time they come on the clones, and or walking outside then going into ur room. cleaness is KEY! JAH LOVE
  9. budforever442200

    Question About Odor...

    How many plants? if you have 6 or more it might get a little smelly. also how close is the street and or another house. all things to think about.remember it doesnt cost that much to buy a small filter. JAH LOVE.
  10. budforever442200

    How Many Times A Day Should I Water?

    When the soil is dry time to water. But not too dry! it should be moist about 1/3 in down in soil.
  11. budforever442200

    nutrients and soil?

    The best and most easy for first grow is, black gold soil(if you can find it) along with general hydroponic flora nova nutes. they go very very well together and its also hard to over fertalize and or nute burn them. also make shure you PH the water! I cant say this enough. Happy growing. JAH...
  12. budforever442200

    Need Advice please friends

    what kind of light?
  13. budforever442200

    Mh or Hps?

    HPS deff. if you have the extra $ mh is nice to have also. conversion ballast are also nice.
  14. budforever442200

    what is veg? and how to do it?

    veg is when the lights are on for 18 to 24 hrs a day. so it will not produce buds. when they get as big as you want them you flower with the light on only 12 hrs a day.
  15. budforever442200

    Holy crap, they sprouted, now what?

    do the lights have the right plant/aqareum bulbs? what kind of soil? is your water hard? ph'd? mabey a little to much water? I dont think the lights burned the one. put the lights as close as they will go. If your going to transfer them go into rapid-rooters, with clonex fert. Jah Love.
  16. budforever442200

    seed sprouting

    put them in a paper towel fold over a couple time, moisten it, put it in a darker then lighter place, keep moist, wait for a sprout.
  17. budforever442200


    yes pull it.