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  1. budforever442200

    $10,000 Best Grow Room Ideas

    Used to harvest every 2 months, but made my veg room into just moms and clones. Its not that big mabey 9 moms. now every 5 months a little easyer on me. im also bymyself. i aslo work. trying to get through school. i harvest about 9lbs 5 months. Let me remind you that it took 9 strains to find...
  2. budforever442200

    miracle grow fertilized potting soil

    NNNNNNNOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!Miracle Grow is to hot!! Get good soil. Black gold or foxfarm!!!!
  3. budforever442200

    Whats The Deal Wit Legal Bud????

    it can kill babylon!
  4. budforever442200


    are you foliar feeding?(7-8 sprays)
  5. budforever442200

    Whats The Deal Wit Legal Bud????

    Move to california!!
  6. budforever442200

    Awww hell!!! Now What????

    Magnesium (Mg) Toxicity or ph too high. leaves curl upwards like they're praying? They're praying for Mg! The tips may also twist.
  7. budforever442200

    newbie help with all aspects of growing
  8. budforever442200

    Ordering online with Visa Prepaid cards?

    They have to deliver them right?
  9. budforever442200

    Whats The Deal Wit Legal Bud????

    Dont Do It!!!!!!!!!
  10. budforever442200


    Are you in merical grow?
  11. budforever442200

    What's happening to my babies!!

    dont wash off the roots. just try to get the dirt around the root ball off. try not to mess with the roots. get some rizotonic(will help alot with stress)and mabey some clonex(not the gel) get some good soil(black gold or foxfarm) and your off!
  12. budforever442200

    soil And hydro

    The only reason id want both is a small hydro 4 me and soil for the clubs.
  13. budforever442200

    Airbud claws + Yellowing top fan leaves

    looks fine. the biggest mistake is doing too much.
  14. budforever442200

    Plants yellowing 1 week into veg

    Are you in Maricle Grow? if so GET THEM OUT!!!!!!!!!!! also There are bad bugs that live in soil, if there little white bugs it could be fungus gnats and or root aphid larve.
  15. budforever442200


    ants are a sign, ants dont just make a home in a place with no food.mabey thers aphids? ants are atracted to the the honeydew that aphids produce. somtimes even help them out. if you dont see aphids check the roots, they also like root aphids!
  16. budforever442200

    Awww hell!!! Now What????

    Also looks like ph is a little high. try bringing down ph to 6.
  17. budforever442200

    What's happening to my babies!!

    F@%* MG!!!! Get them out. its way to hot. why does everyone plant in mg??
  18. budforever442200

    soil And hydro

    Both......Sounds expensive.
  19. budforever442200

    using snow to water my plants?

    i think it would be fine, go to the pet store and get a ph tester for aqariums. 10 bucks tops, just to make shure. JAH LOVE.
  20. budforever442200

    small hps

    i do not snort the coke, i only smoke