Search results

  1. thebirdman17

    Should this work? BHO coconut oil rescipe

    So I am trying to make coconut oil that could be applied topically on my neck but I don't want to steep the bud in the coconut oil directly as I don't like the color and smell thats results. Ive been looking around and cant seem to find anything regarding BHO or Qwiso in terms of topicals. So my...
  2. thebirdman17

    Humidity way too low to dry properly.... What should I do?

    The title says it all... Due to winter temperatures the heater in my house keeps the humidity in my home between 25-35. Obviously this is wayyy to low to get a proper dry. What should I do to combat this problem so that my hard worked for buds can dry properly. Thank you Thebirdman
  3. thebirdman17

    Nirvana Northern Lights 7 weeks flowering? 3-4 days left?

    Im growing the same strain and it looks 100% different than what ive got. When I get back home on tuesday ill throw up some pics of 8 weeks for me.
  4. thebirdman17

    I NEED HELP SETTING UP MY FIRST GROW. I have done a lot of research.

    Ok.... first of all take what I say with a grain of salt because I am a noobie just like you but I do a LOT of reading. 1) Your exhaust system will work. However, that being said if you use HID lights you will be pumping a lot of heat outside your window. Look up FLIR and you will see why...
  5. thebirdman17

    What were you like in High School? clique wise..

    While I have never officially been diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome I have had some very close friends "diagnose" me with it, including my girlfriend who once she graduates will be working with children with autism/aspergers. That being said my HS experience was very unique and I imagine quite...
  6. thebirdman17

    Before guns get banned buy one of these!

    So for those of you who are scared that guns may be banned at some point in the future and want to purchase a gun but don't have 1k plus to shell out I have the solution for you....... The Mosin Nagant.... for between 80-110 bucks you can take one of these babies home. Why the mosin you might...
  7. thebirdman17

    Personality Profile of the average grower. (Meyers Briggs)

    I wouldn't/couldn't really say that i'm "into" psychology in the academic sense as I haven't taken any courses in psychology. That being said I am very interested in trying to understand how people operate, why they do the things they do and what motivates them. Ironically, my girlfriend who...
  8. thebirdman17

    Personality Profile of the average grower. (Meyers Briggs)

    No but I just did some cursory research on it and it looks quite interesting. Thanks for the heads up.
  9. thebirdman17

    Personality Profile of the average grower. (Meyers Briggs)

    Forgive me for my ignorance but from my understanding of medical states it seems to me that surveying people who are "caregivers" be a good population sample. Does that ring true to you?
  10. thebirdman17

    Personality Profile of the average grower. (Meyers Briggs)

    Please note: When I proofread this I realized I sound like im super arrogant and that i'm tooting my own horn. That is not my intention. I am simply trying to offer myself up as an example to help articulate why I have this theory. Argh! I had a reply to your post I had written for around an...
  11. thebirdman17

    Personality Profile of the average grower. (Meyers Briggs)

    SP's (Those who have and S and a P in their type) seem to be those who are the typical stoner type.
  12. thebirdman17

    Personality Profile of the average grower. (Meyers Briggs)

    For those of you who know how these type of polls work please copy and paste and add to this list as the RIU forums only allow 10 options on a poll ISTJ-- ISFJ-- INFJ-- INTJ-- ISTP-- ISFP-- INFP-- INTP--1 ESTP-- ESFP-- ENFP-- ENTP-- ESTJ-- ESFJ-- ENFJ-- ENTJ--
  13. thebirdman17

    Personality Profile of the average grower. (Meyers Briggs)

    For years I have been extremely fascinated by personality profiling and have done research all different sorts of people and what personality profiles fit specific jobs/occupations. While I know that these tests are inherently flawed I still find them fascinating. In particular I find the...
  14. thebirdman17

    OxiDate anti Botrytis

    So is it something you regularly apply or something that only gets applied once at the beginning or end of flowering or what? The thought of applying water late into flowering even if it has an antifungal scares me for some reason haha.
  15. thebirdman17

    OxiDate anti Botrytis

    Hello fellow RIUers I was wondering if anyone had any good information on the use of this product to prevent mold as my first crop got hit with mold 1 week from harvest and I lost nearly 2oz. So my questions are. 1) Is it effective? 2)Is it safe? 3)When would this be used during flowering...
  16. thebirdman17

    DIY Drip Irrigation, need some help

    So I tried to use nearly the exact same kind of system and I found it to be extremely difficult to control and maintain. However, after doing a lot of research I came across these neat little auto watering stakes called Tropf-Blumats. Lots of people use them with great success and they water...
  17. thebirdman17

    Left lights on for 3 days during flowering

    fg2020--- I ended up yeilding 5 oz dry on my first grow with these three plants.
  18. thebirdman17

    advanced nutrients BBB rating?

    So from what I understand Advanced Nutrients is a great company. I have not used any of their products as they are simply too expensive for me at the moment but I have been curious about them for a while and am very interested in trying them. However, I just looked up AN on the BBB website and...
  19. thebirdman17

    Overwatering or something else?

    It is in veg and just got repotted into FFOF.
  20. thebirdman17

    Overwatering or something else?

    anyone got an idea?