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  1. thebirdman17

    Problems on Leaves (pic)

    Hey guys first time grower and I am having a problem with one of my plants. Ive been doing research but cant figure out what the problem is. Ive included pictures and if you guys could perhaps diagnose the problem I would very appreciative. Birdman
  2. thebirdman17

    Tent inside closed closet ventilation problems

    Yeah, thats why i'm wondering if switching the door out with a louvred door would solve my problems. I believe it would allow some air to move in and out of the room, but the question is would that be enough airflow to do the trick?
  3. thebirdman17

    Tent inside closed closet ventilation problems

    So correct me if i'm wrong here but you're saying that I should cut a notch in the top left of my door and bottom right of the door to vent air? Or am I just misinterpreting you? Anyhow, I have a 6 inch 400 cfm fan in the tent so ventilation should not be an issue from the tent itself.
  4. thebirdman17

    Tent inside closed closet ventilation problems

    Do you not think the louvred door would work?
  5. thebirdman17

    Tent inside closed closet ventilation problems

    Ok so here is my problem. I have a 3x3x6.5 grow tent that I have put inside my 5'x3'x8' closet. I am currently running a 400w MH for vegging for which I do not have an air cooled hood. With the door open and the inline fan running the temperatures are somewhere in the high 70s low 80s...