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  1. ejo

    Five myths about immigration

    Depending on the polls, you are absolutely correct and absolutely false. For every poll you show me that states MOST Americans want them out,I can provide a poll that states MOST Americans would like to see a pathway towards citizenship. In either case, the same 4 bigots that keep coming...
  2. ejo

    Five myths about immigration

    More power to you. I'm sure theres a fair share of asshole immigrants (whether legal or illegal) just like anywhere else. I'm sure there ARE SOME leeching off the government. I know for a fact that in places like Los Angeles and Miami they DO account for a huge portion of crime. But when...
  3. ejo

    Five myths about immigration

    I gave you links to the freakin websites. XD And even told you the organizations that conducted the studies. What more do you want? "My problem is that they do shitty work for half the cost and take our jobs. Are you saying this is untrue and that I have no point? " If a less educated...
  4. ejo

    Five myths about immigration

    Yet none of you have proven any of this. If illegals have lower incarceration rates, are paying taxes at a similar or greater number than citizens, and are increasing production for the economy... then whats the problem? Racism? Ignorance? Misconceptions? Likely all of the above.
  5. ejo

    Five myths about immigration

    Like I said, if Los Angeles has a huuuuge illegal population,then naturally a lot of the crime is going to be attributed to them... but I can do the same with any city (blacks > New Orleans, Detroit) (whites > Seattle, Boston, Milwuake). Again, you guys don't know the difference between...
  6. ejo

    Five myths about immigration

    Awesome, thats 4 people that A- Haven't provided a single legitamate source B- Resort to rambling instead of debating. C- Have nothing better to say. I was just called an illegal immigrant for posting fctual information with sources and links to support my argument... none of you...
  7. ejo

    Five myths about immigration

    Except that the Los Angeles times never wrote that and was likely made up by some fanatical righ wing nutjob or someone that just hates immigrants. Not a single source posted so far guys.
  8. ejo

    Five myths about immigration

    Did you even read? Department of labor means nothing? Economic roundtable? The Los Angeles times? By the way thats a fake internet posting from the Los Angeles times, they never published it. You guys are posting fake articles and calling me an idiot? lol Some one you right wingers have...
  9. ejo

    Five myths about immigration

    1. 40% of all workers in L.A. County (L.A. County has 10.2 million people) Fiction! Economic Roundtable in Los Angeles issued a report in 2005 on what it called "L.A's Off-The-Books labor force." Its research was about the city of Los Angeles, not the entire county, and concluded that there...
  10. ejo

    Five myths about immigration

    Hey, instead of nitpicking cities how about overal crime rates? I can make whites look bad too if I post crime stats from Seattle or Boston...or make blacks look bad if I post information from New Orleans or Detroit. None of you have addressed why Illegal immigrants lower incarcerations rates...
  11. ejo

    Five myths about immigration

    Wait so did you just post random information on cities that have HUUUUGE illegal populations? How about overal crime rates? And wheres the sources? Appearantly you guys dont know the difference between ouccourance and frequency.
  12. ejo

    Five myths about immigration

    No one is stopping you guys from posting information with some sources... yet none of you are doing it. Is it because most of your arguments are based on misconceptions and not facts? A little too much fox news.
  13. ejo

    Five myths about immigration No facts? Appearantly the IRS and social security administration consider them facts. And again, why do blacks...
  14. ejo

    Five myths about immigration

    Ah, why discuss facts when we can sound like an idiot, right? I love it when people don't have anything better to say.
  15. ejo

    Five myths about immigration

    1- The IRS made it VERY possible for illegal immigrants to pay income taxes (with ITINS)... almost 8 million income tax payers and most of them didn't file a return... most of the ITINS numbers came from border states too. "In 2004, the IRS got 7.9 million W-2s with names that didn’t...
  16. ejo

    Five myths about immigration

    Why hasn't this ignorant racist been banned? Anywho, illegal immigrants don't qualify for 99 percent of benefits, according to the IRS are more likely to pay taxes than a citizen, and have lower incarceration rates. This should automatically make all arguments moot.