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  1. SikSol

    Sik's mini grow!!!

    Update: so0o At the rate the plants was growing and the one stretching with as long to go as they still have I figured I was going to run out of room So I figure I would play around a bit since these plants are a experiment. I first snapped them over then placed in a screen and Im currently...
  2. SikSol

    If your dry try this~!!

    someone that dont have any hookups in the state they are in lol
  3. SikSol

    If your dry try this~!!

    I never believed it i figured I would maybe get a relaxed sleepy feeling and that was it, boy was I in for a surprise lol... I still rather have the real deal but its for sure a good alternative if your desperate.
  4. SikSol

    If your dry try this~!!

    Guys first off this is not spam or any crap like that look at my post count and how long I've been a member... anyways went down to the local head shop dying to try anything cuz im dry and she recomends this pink package call pep pouri love strawberry, it was $100 for 3 g, crazy but worth it its...
  5. SikSol

    Texas Growers Unite!

    Yea I frequent TX hydro quite often they are decent cant complain really. You can get some good deals on random stuff sometimes. I asked about a air cooled hood they had sitting on a shelf and they told me $60 and its yours... it is now mine lol.
  6. SikSol

    Texas Growers Unite!

    :cuss::cuss:AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! :o Freakin UA is done and gone and Im finally able to smoke for the first time in about a year :shock: .... however My few hookups I had have left the army and moved :cry: ..... so here I sit with a couple girls growing to mock me and Im dry as can be...
  7. SikSol

    Sik's mini grow!!!

    Yeah I was starting to think the same thing and have stopped foliar feeding with the Fox Farm, Gonna water them down next couple times and see how they shape up, thanks for the advice though +rep
  8. SikSol

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    Here's a couple bag seed girls I got under a 400...
  9. SikSol

    Sik's mini grow!!!

    Just a couple update pics, they look a little ruff because they drank up their water alot faster than normal and the soil dry'd up so they was hurting for water a little. One on left is keeping really good tight node spacing but the one on right is stretching so I lowered the light some to try...
  10. SikSol

    Are you ADDICTED to growing & RIU?

    we should find a place that has some kick ass cheap land and all move to it and create a RIU city lol
  11. SikSol

    X-MAS day:::cfl-hempy buckets 12/12 pics. feel free to comment!!!

    Good stuff, I believe Im gonna give a hempy bucket grow a shot next time around.
  12. SikSol

    dipping from the cops....

    HAha, been a long time since I had to run from the po po... and yea bca21 keep that shit on the track man I've been there and seen to much shit go down.. If ya wanna real race I can meet ya at San Antonio's track and show you how sad a mustang really is!! lol
  13. SikSol

    Texas Growers Unite!

    Hah I have one of those on my car you can use!... j/k pretty cool style filter, and as far as a 24hr dark period before 12/12 did it once and did not notice a difference at all other than some very droopy leaves but the perk'd right up when the lights hit.
  14. SikSol

    Getting a medical marijuana card in another state

    Even if you used some else's address to get a card, you could only "legally" grow or possess the appropriate amounts of marijuana in that state/county etc. If you had a cali medi card and tried to grow or possess say in Ohio and you get busted you can be like oh I have a medi card in...
  15. SikSol

    Getting a medical marijuana card in another state

    haha nope would be cool though.. if you wanna medi card you gotta do one of two things, move to a medi state or start doing things to make your state a medi state. I myself plan to move to cali in the near future after my welding degree. Thinking Redding or Red Bluff looks like my kinda area's.
  16. SikSol

    Sik's mini grow!!!

    Thanks, I agree not bad considering what they have been through in just 25 days lol. They have actually been under 12/12 since seed but just showed sex like last week I believe
  17. SikSol

    Are you ADDICTED to growing & RIU?

    hrm maybe not addiction but a bad habit I cant kick, stayed away for a little while but came right back... kind of like World of Warcraft was for awhile lol... it bad that alot of the people on RIU you wish was your friends and neighbors instead of your real friends and neighbors lmao!
  18. SikSol

    Sik's Grow

    Actually started this in the indoor grow section because its not a complete log from start as they are already about 25 days in but I will keep it updated from here on out so it will be a half ass'd grow log---
  19. SikSol

    Growing as a Police Officer

    idlehands has a point, people are bitches cant trust no one. Unless your 100% positive you will be the one and only sole person to ever know what you do and you will never post anything about your actions anywhere on the internet etc.
  20. SikSol

    Texas Growers Unite!

    You can check a couple little unknown texas girls here in my mini grow log