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  1. SikSol


    Alot less things to go wrong, you have complete control over the PH level and the nutes like you do in a hydro but without the pumps and res. etc that you have with hydro so less likely to have problems with things going down or developing bacteria or algae like alot of hydro grows have problems...
  2. SikSol

    Texas Growers Unite!

    Ill be posting pics up here before long so you guys can see but I got two girls Im growing from some seeds I found in a used hydro setup I bought down in austin. Wish I knew the genetics on these girls so far to me I believe they are a hybrid although more Indica than sativa and as of right now...
  3. SikSol


    If you can I would might as well move it to a big enough pot to last your entire grow and if possible mix some perlite in with the soil it will help with water retention and make it slightly harder for you to over water as the water will drain through the soil mix easier.
  4. SikSol


    Ok, not alot of info but you are probably watering way to much which one will kill your plant and two and grow mold and mildew. I've had to address this same problem at least 3 different times today seems to be common in new growers. When growing in soil many ppl water way to much the top of...
  5. SikSol


    need more info, setup, soil, temps, watering schedule, nutes etc... fill in all the details so we can better help you.
  6. SikSol

    making a winter strain?

    Its not so much the problem of the cold its the fact that the short days will send the plant into flower. So even if it was cold resistant it would still have to spend the majority of its life in summer to be able to harvest in winter otherwise the plant would start to flower in the winter and...
  7. SikSol

    Male or female with pics

    Didnt say I dont like your post or disagree with you posting it if you truly in fact had no idea and needed the help. Im just trying to help you further by letting you know you should be doing some serious researching on growing if you indeed did not know this was female then there has to be...
  8. SikSol

    Male or female with pics

    I agree with some the people here man, I dont agree with them telling you that your dumb without any tact at all. However it is one thing to ask about a sex question when it is just preflowers early on and a little tough for a noob to tell but when your plant has hairs everywhere like that its...
  9. SikSol

    Looking for Tips and Advice

    Its ok no need to be sorry and dont let basher's hate on you, tons of people screw up their firs time. First off start looking for some guides and other budget threads on here and read read read and read some more so next time you know what to do. Second do not water when the soil is dry to...
  10. SikSol

    Looking for Tips and Advice

    The cupping of the leaves can be from heat stress however some of the other problems looks like sever overwatering especially if you not giving any nutes and there are not much nutes in your growing medium. You really need to give us all the details of your grow in order to help.
  11. SikSol

    Looking for Tips and Advice

    I disagree overwatering and underwatering can exhibit the same symptoms often. I believe its actually very overwatered judging by how his soil (or whatever that is) looks like and the fact you can see in the one pic where he recently watered again with the green looking algae (from to much...
  12. SikSol

    How many can I grow?

    Hrm, 45 plants under only a single 1000w HPS is pushing it. If i was you your best bet would be to 12/12 them right off the bat. It tends to create a single "Popsicle" type plant and bud you generally end up with a much smaller plant and less yield than if you veg. but if you got 45 crammed in...
  13. SikSol

    Looking for Tips and Advice

    They are looking pretty far gone but you may be able to save them. Need info on your setup lights, soil mix, nutes, temps, how and when or how often you water etc. then I can try and help you out to get them back in healthy shape.
  14. SikSol

    Best deal on light, fan and scrubber?

    Correct but he didnt specify that it had to be new or unused!!
  15. SikSol

    Best deal on light, fan and scrubber?

    Craigslist man, I unno where ya live but if you got a decent craigslist for you area or a town close by thats where its at! I got 3 400w HPS bulbs, ballasts, and hoods for $150!, I got a 4x4x8 grow tent for $120, a 2x2 ebb and flow table,res, pumps etc for $200 I can go on and on about the...
  16. SikSol

    Over-Fert or Mg Deficiency?

    yep your burning mainly due to your choice of nutes and grow medium. Your using some "pellet" type nutes and MG nutes on top of that the MG alone depending on what your using is enough to burn up a plant if not used right. There is nothing wrong with MG if used right. Do yourself a favor...
  17. SikSol

    is this sexy female a hermaphordite???

    Same as above cut them off and scrape the area. Even if it does herm on you dont be so quick to trash it! I have had a few herm's in the past that still smoked pretty damn good! Just depends on the severity it herms really. Just make sure you get it away from your other girls if it does.
  18. SikSol

    Where to buy MIRaCLE GRow???

    Blah, I have grown in FF I do hydro grows and everything in between and MG works fine if you are smart about it!!... However it should only be used if on a budget or need something fast etc... In fact I currently pulled some plants out of a DWC hydro grow that I could not get rid of a algae...
  19. SikSol

    should i cut the leaves off?

    try some LST if you got the room and they are not to stiff, pull and tie the tops off to the side so Light can reach further down also like said above tuck and move some the leaves that are in the way of bud sites. Also the LST will keep their height down so you dont run out of room.
  20. SikSol

    77 days into flower, starting the flush, dirt bag seed

    Thats pretty good looking stuff for CFL's!