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  1. M

    A contradiction in thought

    When was it put in the constitution?
  2. M

    Hillary Supporters Want To Repeal 2nd Amendment

    That is you're to you. I always try leave something for someone to bitch about.
  3. M

    Donald Trump raped teenaged girls and then Covered it up.

    The only job I get is a blowjob 3 or 4 times a week.
  4. M

    Trump Campaign Busted!!! Latest shake up attempt to Cover up!

    Yes he seems to be good at making money. You are boning up to go to Trump U are you not?
  5. M

    Trump Campaign Busted!!! Latest shake up attempt to Cover up!

    So you are saying it was so well written that even you could understand it.
  6. M

    Trump Campaign Busted!!! Latest shake up attempt to Cover up!

    He should read Hillarys book [The art of the cover up] she wrote the book on covering up all kind things like side deals and work 100% of the time, except for sex, witch work 99% of the time.
  7. M

    Donald Trump raped teenaged girls and then Covered it up.

    I think a train wreck is how team Hillary killed assages lawyer.
  8. M

    Donald Trump raped teenaged girls and then Covered it up.

    l public sodomy, unpaid tickets?
  9. M

    i are republickin

    I take issue with the deserve part. Not one of my better posts to be sure, but I will try to do better. thanks for the help.
  10. M

    Hillary Supporters Want To Repeal 2nd Amendment

    Mostly just in the hoods.
  11. M

    Hillary Supporters Want To Repeal 2nd Amendment

    I for one don't care to hear the details of you and bucks sex life.
  12. M

    China will make USA pay very high price ...Rand Report

    Your the first demorat here to admit trump is going to win. You may not be as dumb as I thought. I bet your going to vote for him also. Don't tell anyone else or your buds will rag you out. It would be best if you acted as if you really did not like him. You know stupid your buds are so deny...
  13. M

    HAHAHA!!! can't make this stuff up.

    They can do wonders with that now days.
  14. M

    Who is threatening your life right now? A poll

    No one. Threatening my life would be a stupid thing to do.
  15. M

    Why is Hillary Clinton embracing right wing endorsements?

    I know her very well and have for many years. What ever she does its for money. I used a tip that I from bill for 3 years, at the time the socks I wore were 3 bucks a pair, donate them unwashed and write them off your taxes with the write off cost was a buck a pair think of it would want to keep...
  16. M

    trump's first ad cites white supremacist hate group

    Tell us the 7 verifiable lies so we can see what they are. You lie so often I would put money on anything you say as being a lie, and win 8 out of 10 times. How stupid are you! Spend the 30 sec. to prove what you say.
  17. M

    trump's first ad cites white supremacist hate group

    Please state the seven lies,
  18. M

    Milwaukee riots

    Yep you nailed it, good job.
  19. M

    HAHAHA!!! can't make this stuff up.

    He doesn't know that your cheeseyrice.
  20. M

    HAHAHA!!! can't make this stuff up.

    Maybe with help and time we could call them DEAD.