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  1. M

    What would a TRUMP! Presidency look like?

    It was kind of like what they are trying to do to you. Change you into being like them as you are different and they are group of ugly trolls.
  2. M

    i are republickin

    Did you buy one, Your the one with a slave.
  3. M

    Trump Campaign Busted!!! Latest shake up attempt to Cover up!

    By normal you mean abby normal.
  4. M

    i are republickin

    Nice post. It was a little long but its fine now.
  5. M

    i are republickin

    Maybe not the best but close. So I will not argue.
  6. M

    i are republickin

    Its not a secret.
  7. M

    i are republickin

    You spell like a demorat.
  8. M

    Trump Campaign Busted!!! Latest shake up attempt to Cover up!

    If that were to happen the world will become hell.
  9. M

    The moment when you finally realize that 1% black support isn't enough

    Are you saying that you don't want to play with me?
  10. M

    A contradiction in thought

    As futile as your sock puppet life.
  11. M

    Trump Campaign Busted!!! Latest shake up attempt to Cover up!

    So you think god will strike him dead for saying such a terrible thing over and over?
  12. M

    Trump Campaign Busted!!! Latest shake up attempt to Cover up!

    Hillary started more than 30 years before she became a politician and it has been nonstop lying from the time she started.
  13. M

    A contradiction in thought

    Yes thinking is not one of your strong points being a whiny little bitch is.
  14. M

    Hillary can't be trusted

    Give it a while and see what happens. Don't be so upset that your one world order had a set back.
  15. M

    kellyanne conway: washed up meth whore

    Quit watching anime. Wash your face and go to bed.
  16. M

    trump's first ad cites white supremacist hate group

    They were showing clips of Hillary were they not.
  17. M

    Milwaukee riots

    Looking in the mirror again I see.
  18. M

    A contradiction in thought

    Sorry not a racist. But you may think as you like scumbag.
  19. M

    A contradiction in thought

    I see, hear and read try it sometime other than here.
  20. M

    Milwaukee riots

    Why are you some kind of monitor.