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  1. 420mon

    Four Legged Security - Post Your Pics!!!

    Mine sleeps in the house and has his own chair, great dog.......
  2. 420mon

    To Harvest, Or Not To Harvest..

    FUCK NO MON, start flushing....
  3. 420mon

    Wholesale Club

    Actually nobody in my area will buy brickweed, they all want the bomb......I can get a lb of brickweed for $300 flat, some of its actually pretty tasty and greenish too, outdoor is 1600-2000, indoor can go from 2600-3200
  4. 420mon

    Drooping Problem

    This could be the problem son, this Mon would give that ho a gallon or two every other day....Keep yer PIMP HAND STRONG!
  5. 420mon

    Drooping Problem

    Ok sorry Mon, as long as you didn't steal it.........If it seems to dry quick then yeah give it more water Mon. Give it 2 gallons of water and maybe it came from indoors and never sun hardened yet MON, put along a fence in shade for a couple days and see if it looks better this mon would wait a...
  6. 420mon

    Drooping Problem

    Sure no problem but couldn't Mon ask "Mon" who gave Mon plant wtf wrong with it?
  7. 420mon

    Drooping Problem

    This would be my second thought, but since Mon recently "acquired" it.....does make Mon wonder.
  8. 420mon

    Drooping Problem

    Looks like it in shock Mon. I wonder how you recently "acquired" this plant, you didn't happen to "take" this plant did you Mon? Otherwise I believe you could "ask" the person you "acquired" it from?
  9. 420mon


    Kinda early?
  10. 420mon

    Male or Female - This guy is confusing me!

    Chop it and toss it....Sorry Mon
  11. 420mon

    will i get bud rot?

    Too small rite now Mon, usually see bud rot in the last 2 weeks of flowering.......They be fine for now Mon.
  12. 420mon

    greencrack. is it ready? cloudy trichs....

    NO MON ITS NOT READY AT ALL!!!!!!! GC always has bright orange/red hairs when it is done.....Keep your PIMP HAND STRONG and be patient!!!
  13. 420mon

    Having trouble telling what this is! Pics inside!

    Hey Mon could be leaf and stem disease. If so most likely clones got it from mother plant, slowly kills leaf and gets worse as flowering, leaf die all way to stem and infects stem....hope not Mon but if not over nute or not heat stress that be my guess start of the disease, and also Mon heard...
  14. 420mon

    Help how do i get rid whatever is destroying my crops

    Could be turkeys Mon, I had turkeys diggin for bugs around and in the plants last year Mon....Keep yer PIMP HAND STRONG!!!
  15. 420mon

    so i was out strolling for a spot for next year

    Mon personally would leave a note sayin Mon better get his ho off my land cuz im a pimp and will pimp out his ho.......Keep yer PIMP HAND STRONG.
  16. 420mon


    Hmmm really mine looked indica even the buds came out hard and dense like indica.
  17. 420mon

    Give flowering plants more hours of direct sunlight?

    They be fine Mon, do it they still know its light out when in shade cuz its still light out Mon. One hour a day everyday is quite a bit Mon this will help it alot IMO.
  18. 420mon


    Fuck it Mon, just keep your PIMP HAND STRONG.......
  19. 420mon

    With what and/or how do you water your babies?

    I water with a 5 gallon bucket, each lady gets 15 gallons every other day 5x3= 15. 15x12 = 180 gallons of water I carry ever other day to keep my PIMP HAND STRONG and the bitches happy.
  20. 420mon

    What do you guys think I will yield

    I think all the plants are gonna be slightly over a qp, round off at 5 oz a plant 5ozx12=60oz So this Mon guess u gonna have bout 4lbs give or take.