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  1. K

    Heat problems and yield

    Little broke from Christmas but waiting to buy a little portable air con
  2. K

    Heat problems and yield

    I have a 100mm exhaust fan, and 3 100mm intake holes on different corners, small fan inside cabinet. The fan is from the local hardware store, On the box it says it moves 105cm/h (I thought it was cm/m when I got it) My flower room is 800x500x1800 - 25.35 cubic feet So I need a fan with a...
  3. K

    Heat problems and yield

    So I've been growing Cali Orange, first run. I'm about half way through flowering week 4, I have never really been able to keep my temps below 30C Averaging about 32-34C It's mid summer here and outside temps are averaging 30-35C My question is how badly will this heat cause my yield? My girl...
  4. K

    Cali Orange - 400w hps coco grow

    Week 4 of flower, Gave her 3 seperate feeds of pk 13/14 this week, hopefully she's starts to put on some weight soon. :) Temps staying around 29-30C at the moment, Outside temps around 35-40C
  5. K

    Cali Orange - 400w hps coco grow

    Put an oscillating fan in the room the cabinet is in, drop the inside cab temp down to 29C I can love with that!
  6. K

    Cali Orange - 400w hps coco grow

    Nah I don't think so, we'll see how this grow turns out
  7. K

    Cali Orange - 400w hps coco grow

    The grow cabinet :)
  8. K

    Cali Orange - 400w hps coco grow

    Yeah I've got a fan the exhaust the hot air, however my temps are staying around 32C :/ It's a fan from the local hardware store, On the box it says it moves 105cm/h (I thought it was cm/m when I got it) My flower room is 800x500x1800 - 25.35 cubic feet So I need a fan with a rating of 50CFM...
  9. K

    Cali Orange - 400w hps coco grow

    Just want to say howdy! This is my first real grow, I've grown before using cfls, it worked but not to my liking. Haha Now I have a suitable house, I stepped up to a 400w and I'm really impressed! Vegging with 130w CFL Cali Orange seeds I got from a mate, Coco medium using Canna Coco A&B...