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  1. DonJr.TheMoron

    trump claims credit for McCain's funeral?

  2. DonJr.TheMoron

    trump claims credit for McCain's funeral?

    Woke up this morning and tRUMP is still under 17 (known ) investigations........
  3. DonJr.TheMoron

    Your savior has arrived

    Wow, you are a nonstop whinny annoying little troll. It's clear to everyone here but you. The only thing unfair is that others here have to sift past your boring relentless crying & poor trolling in every thread you post in. No doubt you will continue though, it's probably the only interaction...
  4. DonJr.TheMoron

    PHOTOS of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or “Sandy” as She Was Known at Her Elite High School in Yorktown

    Im sure with his toxic personality, no one in his "real" life is willing to interact with him, so trolling & being a douche nozzle here, is the only people time he can get. Sad, Pathetic lil' boy.....
  5. DonJr.TheMoron

    PHOTOS of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or “Sandy” as She Was Known at Her Elite High School in Yorktown

    .you are delusional.... you have to be the biggest whiney bitch on this board. annoying 12yr old troll...GTFO !
  6. DonJr.TheMoron

    The Final Days of the Trump Administration.

    Sounds like you got one of them Trump University edjamacations
  7. DonJr.TheMoron

    Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

    the inept fu*ker can't operate an umbrella......
  8. DonJr.TheMoron


  9. DonJr.TheMoron

    Another white male trump lover goes on a gun massacre

    BS..... you came to troll & have done it relentlessly you are annoying in all threads , don't kid yourself about anyone here taking you seriously, maybe noob's that don't know better. "no one likes you "
  10. DonJr.TheMoron

    Another white male trump lover goes on a gun massacre

    You came here to troll RM3, & never left, even though, "no one likes you"