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  1. DonJr.TheMoron

    Another white male trump lover goes on a gun massacre

    funny, him calling someone else a hypocrite
  2. DonJr.TheMoron

    Another white male trump lover goes on a gun massacre

    Michigan Mid's Grower is here to troll, That's how he got here, & that is what he has done every day .
  3. DonJr.TheMoron

    Another white male trump lover goes on a gun massacre

    fuck , you are annoying
  4. DonJr.TheMoron

    Shipping container grow rooms
  5. DonJr.TheMoron

    Started to flower...thoughts on defoliating?

    clean up under the net, at flip
  6. DonJr.TheMoron

    Brett Support Therad.

  7. DonJr.TheMoron

    Flushing in a reculating system with hydroton.

    Do you have any other questions we can help you with ?
  8. DonJr.TheMoron

    Flushing in a reculating system with hydroton.

    never mind.. go water/ flush your plants...gotta get the ickys out. read up on drying & curing instead, it will serve you better. good night
  9. DonJr.TheMoron

    Flushing in a reculating system with hydroton.

    Yea, wouldn't want science or fact to creep in at ya.... too scary Explain please how "flushing" works on plants. It's only cannabis where this question comes up. CAUSE it's BS !!!
  10. DonJr.TheMoron

    Flushing in a reculating system with hydroton.

    I got wombats smarter than
  11. DonJr.TheMoron

    Flushing in a reculating system with hydroton.

    Now how the Fuck do you say HE came off like a dick.... he answered nicely, then you blew up take a look back... you being a dick...... jr
  12. DonJr.TheMoron

    Fake News ?

    show me ANY fake news from the mainstream media !!! Lots of negative shit, cause the Dotard is....well, a Dotard !!
  13. DonJr.TheMoron

    Flushing in a reculating system with hydroton.

    @jzs147 If ya know all the answers, Why did you ask the question ? You ask a question on an open internet forum, Chunky takes time out of his day to answer, good answer too. But you don't like the answer & go after him, why didn't you just say thanks and move along ? Flushing is for fools...
  14. DonJr.TheMoron

    Fake News ?

    I hear Dotard complain about "fake news" all the time. Will one of you trumptards show me some examples of this "fake news" you complain about ? thanks so much
  15. DonJr.TheMoron

    Fake News ?

  16. DonJr.TheMoron

    Fake News ?

  17. DonJr.TheMoron

    Fake News ?

    I hear Dotard complain about "fake news" all the time. Will one of you trumptards show me some examples of this "fake news" you complain about ? thanks so much