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  1. wotnot

    1st Time Grow Northern Lights (Vision) 8 pot wilma

    Thanks dude, just ordered some hygrometers of ebay a while ago so hope to follow this :) Yeah it just gets a little nerve racking when you hit a new stage for the first time. Like when I switched to 12/12 I was shitting it lol. Should turn out ok though, you and the other guys on here always...
  2. wotnot

    1st Time Grow Northern Lights (Vision) 8 pot wilma

    Thanks Mr head, I have gone out and got a few passive dehumidifiers as you suggested so I will try them out tonight, should bring it down a bit I'm sure :) As for the one that got burnt it seems to have split into two colas now, not sure if this is normal but it seems to be bouncing back well...
  3. wotnot

    1st Time Grow Northern Lights (Vision) 8 pot wilma

    Ok so they are into flower and there are little baby buds all over, it's amazing :). Seems the humidity is going up to 65% at night which is high but I have no idea on how to lower this. It really is incredible as my res needs topping up daily with up to 5 liters.... they must be thirsty lol...
  4. wotnot

    1st Time Grow Northern Lights (Vision) 8 pot wilma

    Cheers dude, put a load in and took your advice and am using string :) these girls grow fast lol one grew a little too close to the light and burnt the top of the main cola..... so gonna keep an eye on it, but think it will bounce back :) Thanks again dude
  5. wotnot

    Twisted Leaves

    Hi guys, Need some advice if anyone can chime in it would be great. The problem is that my girls are getting big (kinda good though) and some of the branches are getting heavy and starting to droop down with the weight. So the advice I need is what do I do? Do I tie them up some how? It...
  6. wotnot

    1st Time Grow Northern Lights (Vision) 8 pot wilma

    Hi guys, Need some advice if anyone can chime in it would be great. The problem is that my girls are getting big (kinda good though) and some of the branches are getting heavy and starting to droop down with the weight. So the advice I need is what do I do? Do I tie them up some how? It...
  7. wotnot

    Twisted Leaves

    Yeah 8 is allot for a noob like me lol but the smell is frickin amazing :) Just gotta keep my humidity down now :)
  8. wotnot

    Twisted Leaves

    Yeah seems to be ok now... not sure why it was creeping down all the time. All the plants look healthy bar one which is a twisted little runt lol she still going though so not removing her. The canazym I added has made a massive difference (I put it in with the first res of flower) they have...
  9. wotnot

    Twisted Leaves

    Getting really big now :)
  10. wotnot

    1st Time Grow Northern Lights (Vision) 8 pot wilma

    They're getting big now, they have been 12/12 since 31st Aug and they are really getting bushy now
  11. wotnot

    1st Time Grow Northern Lights (Vision) 8 pot wilma

    Shit dude not good :( sorry to hear that. Put mine 12/12 as of 10 pm last night and they really seem to like it, I also added some canazym to the res to perk them up a bit :). My humidity has gone up to 50% from 40% so not sure quite what has gone on there, will try and bring it down a bit...
  12. wotnot

    Help needed, coco/perlite grow, please look at pics

    Boom...! She got big dude :)
  13. wotnot

    1st Time Grow Northern Lights (Vision) 8 pot wilma

    Thanks Mr. Head, I'm going to switch to 12/12 this Wednesday. As for the temp, think I will get an inlet fan for the next grow to help with this as recommended by a nice chap on this site called reddiamond. I need to buy a bunch of kit for the next grow as it is anyway as I would like 2 tents so...
  14. wotnot

    1st Time Grow Northern Lights (Vision) 8 pot wilma

    Thanks Mr Head just worry about them allot lol :)
  15. wotnot

    Twisted Leaves

  16. wotnot

    1st Time Grow Northern Lights (Vision) 8 pot wilma

    Ok so i just also added 2x 90w UFO LED lights as a supplement to the 600w HPS. here is a pic as from this morning:
  17. wotnot

    Twisted Leaves

    Cool i started to do that towards the end of the res and I changed it yesterday so I will top it up :) The temp is dropping a bit too so that's all good... much needed storms :)
  18. wotnot

    1st Time Grow Northern Lights (Vision) 8 pot wilma

    Thanks Jasper good idea I will get that done :) but now a new issue.... I cant seem to get th canopy temp down any lower than 31c which is causing the res to evaporate which in turn is making the PH drop quite allot, now I'm no expert but I think I may have Nitrogen deficiency.... Not sure, any...
  19. wotnot

    Twisted Leaves

    Yeah its crazy it's killing me lol well more to the point killing my babies I also think this is why my PH keeps dropping as I lose over 30 liters of water between res changes in evaporation :( I've heard that will drop the PH and now to add to it I think I have Nitrogen deficiency and have no...
  20. wotnot

    Twisted Leaves

    Hey reddiamond, any ideas on how to do that, sorry I have an awesome fan really powerful. Is there anything else I can do ?