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  1. wotnot

    8 Pot Wilma System nute advice

    Cool thanks I will get some, thanks for the info :)
  2. wotnot

    8 Pot Wilma System nute advice

    Good one.... I didn't think of that.... I thought you had to dose differently for hydroponics, which the bottle funny enough don't mention. Any advice other than read the bottle which is the first thing I did. Do I use it in exactly the same way I would if I was using it on soil??
  3. wotnot

    8 Pot Wilma System nute advice

    Hi guys I'm about to start my first Hydroponic grow in the next few days using an 8 pot wilma system and clay pebbles. I'm at a bit of loss though as I have no idea how to dose my nutes in this system, it has 70 litre res and I will be using Biobizz Bio grow for veg and Biobizz Top max for...
  4. wotnot

    Freaking Out......

    Thanks to all, they are bouncing right back :)
  5. wotnot

    Freaking Out......

    Ok I have put the lights up nice and high now, but should I flush them as well just to be on the safe side in case it is nute burn? They have not been stretching for the light that's for sure they have been growing very dense and short lol poor little buggers hope I haven't fried them too...
  6. wotnot

    Freaking Out......

    Oh shit! So Take them up a bit, crap again was told that they can be put quite close..... will go n raise them now :)
  7. wotnot

    Freaking Out......

    Oh forgot I only water when the soil is totally dry which can take a good few days :)
  8. wotnot

    Freaking Out......

    I have been using a basic seedling soil from B&Q as I heard it was actually a good soil from start to finish, as for nutes I have just started yesterday at 1/8th full strength as I didn't want to burn them but the yellowing started before I added any nutes to them and I was led to believe that...
  9. wotnot

    Freaking Out......

    Hi guys, Killed my last crop and I really don't want these guys to go the same way..... Has any one got any ideas why they are yellowing?? To little nutes maybe?? Thanks guys for looking
  10. wotnot

    Getting Mixed Advice...

    I'm using a seedling soil now which has next to no nutritional value to these guys, so shall I chuck them some 1/2 strengths nutes now? Also cant bring myself to chuck crusty out all the time shes fighting I'll look after her lol
  11. wotnot

    Getting Mixed Advice...

    I think the Kush may be ready then cause they are really doing well so start slow and work thanks :)
  12. wotnot

    Getting Mixed Advice...

    Hi all, I've had allot of mixed advice on when to start feeding my girls, can some one please help clarify if I can start to feed them? I have included some pics the first to are pure Kush 3 weeks old and have had no nutes, the third pic is Super Lemon Haze also 3 weeks but much smaller plant...
  13. wotnot

    I Think I'm in trouble... plants are dying

    Thanks for the help guys they are now healthy and happy, the SLH took it the hardest and is smaller than the 2 Pure Kush that I'm growing. Here are what the kush look like now:
  14. wotnot

    I Think I'm in trouble... plants are dying

    Sorry dude, can you tell me what EC means, I'm a total newby and don't understand this term yet? Cheers
  15. wotnot

    I Think I'm in trouble... plants are dying

    Ok thanks guys just went and got some seedling soil almost no nutes at all in this bugger, have now re potted them..... Hope this works. The soil I was using originally is meant to have nothing added to it, but guess it still has an amount that the plants just dont like. Thanks very much for...
  16. wotnot

    I Think I'm in trouble... plants are dying

    Thanks for the advice, what would you say about these little ones? They have had no nutes I havent over watered them & I'm using 2x 90w Prakasa UFO lights, not sure whats going on again I thought nute burn but I havent added a thing. They look a bit crispy to me lol
  17. wotnot

    I Think I'm in trouble... plants are dying

    Yep killed the poor little feckers lol well at least I learnt a lesson. Should I grow with hydroponics I've heard SLH don't like the soil as much?
  18. wotnot

    Need Advice Please

    Hi Guys I've been using soil to grow but am thinking of using a Wilma system for my next grow as I'm having little luck growing super lemon haze and have heard that this is because they don't like the soil and prefer to be grown hydroponically. The other seeds seem to be doing fine in soil...
  19. wotnot

    I Think I'm in trouble... plants are dying

    I have left them well alone after I re planted them.... no water... Guess I'll just keep my fingers crossed
  20. wotnot

    I Think I'm in trouble... plants are dying

    Sorry these are the before pics, dont know why they didnt upload: