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  1. Grover

    1st grow, harvest pics

    My setup is a drip watering system, I built the drain table myself with some heavy duty mil plastic todrain back into the res, Im useing advanced nutes 3 part system micro, bloom, and grow, with hydroton medium. and a 1000w hps bulb witha 4 ft umbrela hood.
  2. Grover

    Post your BUD pics everyone

    these are my girls :bigjoint:
  3. Grover

    1st grow, harvest pics

    hopefully everything turns out this well on the next grow, I have about 15 clones ben veggin since I put them 2 in flower so I hopeing for a nice turn out on them as well.
  4. Grover

    1st grow, harvest pics

    thats why i chose the single pi that nug had to weigh 3 oz itsef very DENSE..... GOOD LUCK on the grow...
  5. Grover

    1st grow, harvest pics

    looks like im gonna need more drawers for the next grow lol
  6. Grover

    1st grow, harvest pics

    2 plants and the dry weight will be posted as soon as I find out. but it might be like a week and a half. im wanting to dry and cure just right. I built that dryer box in the pic with the 3 drawers in it. I cant remember how long I vegged for but I know it was atleast 2 months had to wait to get...
  7. Grover

    My 1st and luvin the results...(pics)

    this is my very first harvest and I think I did oretty darn good for an inexperienced grower. not sure what the weight is but am curious as hell myself. The strain is ice and there was only 2 plants that gave off this much bud, I had them under a 1000w buld and was useing adv. nutes 3 part...
  8. Grover

    1st grow, harvest pics

    lol thanks much man
  9. Grover

    1st grow, harvest pics

    no comments on my 1st grow?????
  10. Grover

    1st grow, harvest pics

    I forgot to take a pic of them b4 I cut, the strain is ice cant wait to s what the dry weight are some more pics....
  11. Grover

    1st grow, harvest pics

    theses are pics I took today after harvest what do ya think for my first grow.
  12. Grover

    1st grow and didnt know........

    I had ordered some big bud but have not used it yet i am going to next grow to see if there is a difference.
  13. Grover

    1st grow and didnt know........

    thnx downonwax. truer words have not been spoken
  14. Grover

    1st grow and didnt know........

    will do, curious to know myself.
  15. Grover

    1st grow and didnt know........

    I veged but cant remember for how long.
  16. Grover

    1st grow and didnt know........

    Very much so. they did a gr8 job.
  17. Grover

    1st grow and didnt know........

    6 1/2 weeks thinking of letting it go for nine or untill the trichs look about right.
  18. Grover

    1st grow and didnt know........

    I have a few clones that I took about 2 weeks before I flowered and they are getting pretty big in size so I figure after these are finished flowering they will be about the same size maybe even bigger.
  19. Grover

    1st grow and didnt know........

    Thats great to hear I was planning on makeing hash, outta the trimmings
  20. Grover

    1st grow and didnt know........

    best of luck to ya hope all goes well, duke