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  1. Grover

    1st grow and didnt know........

    Thnx for the rep, I learned it all from reading the post and going through the grow faqs.
  2. Grover

    1st grow and didnt know........

    Thnx.....more to come after harvest.
  3. Grover

    1st grow and didnt know........

    Things would go so well lol, I am useing advanced nutes 3 part solution, with a 1000w light, the strain is ICE from nirvana. I am 6 1/2 weeks in, what do ya think?
  4. Grover

    Dont believe a word I say or post, my pics are all fake and found on the net.

    Dont believe a word I say or post, my pics are all fake and found on the net.
  5. Grover


    Ok i decided to go with BIG BUD 0-15-40, I am in the last 2 weeks and just started flushing today, is it alright to use the big bud during the 2 week flushing period and still harvest on schedual, or should I wait til i put new clones in and use it with nutes ?
  6. Grover


    alotta good info there thanks for lookin out.
  7. Grover


    THnx natmoon I think I will go with ur advice. you seem to know what ur talkin bout.
  8. Grover


    what would you suggest?
  9. Grover


    Thnx for the quick reply I read that would happen but i also read it wouldnt so thnx for clearing that up for me.
  10. Grover


    Oh and I know you arent suposed to use directly with nutes, I THINK i read to use just water and molasses a week then a week of nutes right ? or am I reading wrong?
  11. Grover


    Ok I am useing advanced nute 3 part solution,with a hydro sys. My light sys is a 1000 watt htg digi ballast. I have 5 amazing looking ladies about 3 weeks from harvest(sorry no pics), the strain is "ICE" I was currently reading on molasses and was wondering if I could use this with the nutes I...
  12. Grover

    How does......

    Thnx for the helpfull reply
  13. Grover

    How does......

    a state become a medical mj ? I mean can peeps vote on it or does our reps have to bring it into effect?