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  1. F

    Search Bar sucks; Help me find what im looking for

    i tried that but for some reason it always said the key term was too common or something along those lines
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    Search Bar sucks; Help me find what im looking for

    thanks guys. for sure you can do 9, just have to be kinda small. and thats what i wanted to see. yeah google works, i just HATE when sites have shitty searches, its like they might as well just say go to google, save some time..
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    Search Bar sucks; Help me find what im looking for

    all i was looking for was a grow with a 250w hps SOG method maybe like 9 plants im sure there are plenty of journals out there with that if someone can point me in the right direction, ill be out of your way. fix it .seriously im not even high. -idea- when someone starts a...
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    is it true that you should give your clones less Nitrogen ?

    yes, something about carbohydrates
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    Q for Photographers: How can i get some nice pics of my bud with a DSLR

    like for real. how do you do it :joint::joint::joint::joint:
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    Accidentally re-veged my plants. whats in can i expect.

    I had two white widow clones flowering for what i suspect is a month, but when it came to week 5-6 i noticed some strange changes. the buds always looked kind of scrawny and the tops of some were really bare. i noticed that new single leaves were grwing from the colas, but these leaves were...
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    Grow Room Remodeling: Heat Issues

    i agree about moving more air. These little fans are 112cfm so maybe if i get another one and put on top as exhaust, it will prob make a big difference.
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    Grow Room Remodeling: Heat Issues

    I've been using this plastic storage cabinet thats in my garage to grow for the past year. during the as winter the temps stayed at a perfect level, 60 - 75. but now that it is summer (probably one of the hottest) my temps have been ridiculously high 85-100. It looks like its been...
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    3 legged clones?

    so i took this clone from a super silver haze that i was growing, and as the clone started to root and start growing i noticed that all the nodes had triple leaves. its been doing the same thing for the next couple of nodes. im pretty excited feels like i have a mutant plant. has anyone seen...
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    to cure this dead bud or not

    this is my question. i had this blue mystic for about 2 months, wouldve been 5 weeks into flowering today except something went terribly wrong and the roots just stopped drinking. so for the past week the plant has been just hanging there trying to survive. i kind of gave up on it already so...
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    purchasing clones

    they were left with a friend for a week, dunno know exactly but its some root problem. im moving forward though, if they dont make it i wanna be already a coupe steps ahead.
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    purchasing clones

    so lets say i wanted to buy a clone or two since my 2 month old plants just died and i would really like to jump back into growing as fast as i could... how much do you think they go for and how would i go about getting one? go ORLANDO magic
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    did cold weather is kill my crop?

    so i just went to my local hydro shop, and the guy there suggested that it was a bacterial infection on the roots. he suggested that i make a mix of water and hydrogen peroxide to kill the bacteria. im then supposed to let the coco dry out and hopefully it will come back. also he gave me a...
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    did cold weather is kill my crop?

    what can i do to help get them back. flush? rooting hormone?
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    did cold weather is kill my crop?

    thanks for everyones input. im just going to have to wait and see how she holds up in the next few days
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    did cold weather is kill my crop?

    better pics of the white leaves, and leave. yeah i think it was the cold that did it. so it should bounce back right, keeping the temps up?
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    did cold weather is kill my crop?

    i left for thanksgiving break and left my plants under the care of a friend. i showed him how to water and when to. i came back and found them like this. now he messed up before and killed my other plants so im trying not to jump to conclusions. before i blame human error. i want to make sure...
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    Can you get by doing this?

    so im sure everyone has seen this pretty funny clip but after growing and knowing about the process, could you really get high from burning piles of trees. lol trees. i thought without drying and curing it would be...
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    Height Issue

    so i have a tight little set up with a blue mystic and an autoflowering dwarf something, and a "super silver haze" that i got from a pretty shitty website. the problem i have is that the blue is LST-ed so its nice and short, and the dwarf is going to stay small. but this sativa strain is just...