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  1. B

    Help :'(

    do the top of the leafs have slime ?
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    How much do you think I am leaving on the table?

    possible the same . hard to say .
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    Auto vs female

    i just did a . 14 off and 48 on ! main timer box got fried 100 dollar 220 volt timer .. will see if it makes a difference lmao . now im giving them 24 hours of dark before i start my 10 /14 only a few plants could careless . they more then likely try to reveg again and have some ugly...
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    400w hps vs 300w led

    I have the big plants about 12 to 15 inchs away depending on the plants if you will and I threw a small plant on a bucket to see how close I could get it with out burning or bleaching the plant a plant I don't care about . well the plant is currently about 4 inches away !! for last 5...
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    Auto vs female

    your going to have to try it . in your grow the problem is there are so many people indoor farming have no idea what they are doing and a few that act like they know and only a few that have any idea at all . so its hard to filter out what is correct . I just try it all my self to see...
  6. B

    Should I harvest now BC of bananas

    roolitup needs new things for us to view , please keep asking as many questions you feel like so we have things to look at . have to kill a 16 hour work day with nothing at all to do !
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    California Caregiver Laws

    best to consult your lawyer . you could get your card possible and get fucked later . in mi you cant get your card if you have a fel drug charge in the last 10 years ,
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    attaching electronics and computers to a plant .

    lmao yes how the hell does a stoner water these with out getting poked from 5000 volt spikes ???????
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    400w hps vs 300w led

    viaspa don't buy that brand customer service takes 2 days to answer . a lot of other reason not to buy from them . check this brand out I currently run these and could not be happier . meizha reflector series . get the 1200 watt version . it compares to a 1000 watt hps ! only 229 ebay ...
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    Auto vs female

    I'm. Never inted to sound like i am bashing anybody. . I did the 12.12 I had it.laying around freebie . Said what hell. I have the room. The auto actually was taking longer then the photos . when the photos were done I just threw the auto into. The trash. I told my woman jokeingly...
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    Auto vs female

    yes/ yes/ and yes
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    400w hps vs 300w led

    you need a 800 watt led . then it will compare to a 400 watt hps I would by the led
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    Room flooded. Please help!

    I know of a quick and easy way . just throw those plants into soil ,. fuck the hydro .drip bull shit . add water when needed . keep it simple , you have 50 gallons !!!! of nutrient water every where serious risk of molding the entire house thats a lot of water
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    Auto vs female

    I am glad your sure of your self on those 12/12 auto , don't set your self up for a major disappointment
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    attaching electronics and computers to a plant .

    unplug it directly from the wall ! master reboot
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    Auto vs female

    you will hardly pull any thing at all on these auto if you run 12/12 i am talking very little cant even trim them you may decide to turn the entire plant into trim .
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    Ph Worries

    looking at these . all the white hairs on them i would continue feeding the nutes
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    Mold prevention?

    that's the going rate here . in the hydro stores . I am talking plastic bags not plastic containers .
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    Ph Worries

    to me looks like 2 more weeks ! looking good . keep doing what your doing get the ph into check 6.5 range .
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    What to use instead of perlite?

    i always liked the perlite on the top the bugs never get into the soil or mold .