Search results

  1. B

    Highest strain big yielders?

    usually . high as fuck thc wont pull shit . suggest a skunk or ak 47 but only 8 to 15 %lol good luck with that 30% on any thing never seen that before . should start a thread highest thc you ever have tested bet we get a lot of bs answers for sure.
  2. B

    Pot it or wait for more roots?

    nice white looking roots . plant it feed it a lot of water no worries . plant it deep half way up the stem .
  3. B

    Is it useless or not?

    can you zoom in more on it ? looks like its a herm or a freak what ever you want to cal lit . no its trash if it wont flower . if it dont produce your flower buds its trash .
  4. B

    Is this root rot in soil??

    this is NOT root rot . plants are very unhealthy . actually dyeing . you need to get a nutrient asap like today ! start a coarse of nutrients !
  5. B

    anybody use the attitude ?

    looks like attitude is going to be the next winner .
  6. B

    Mars hydro 300 ,Blue Dream ,HSO.

    lol . now you will see in 8 weeks .
  7. B

    anybody use the attitude ?

    yeah thats what i was thinking . all the us banks listed stupid costly
  8. B

    10X10 room, 12 plants, how many lights needed?

    i dont like 400 watt hps . they lack any penetration . a 600 is a very good bulb . the 1000 way better . if you want more then go with all 600 much less heat and easy to control over the 1000 . you wont be happy with 400 . in a 10/10 room
  9. B

    10X10 room, 12 plants, how many lights needed?

    notice i did not say hps . if you need to go old fashioned then hps i would have to go 6 .1000 watt lights . and murder the ac .
  10. B

    10X10 room, 12 plants, how many lights needed?

    what is your goal . and budget ? i would have 10 . 1200 watt led in the 10/10 room and veg for 3 foot tall per plant huge harvest .
  11. B

    2 quick questions...

    yes , and mold or fungi quick answers for a quick question .
  12. B

    anybody use the attitude ?

    from where ? please share
  13. B

    anybody use the attitude ?

    yeah look at the prices very costly . banks in the us
  14. B

    anybody use the attitude ? . used them in the past 4 or 5 years ago . were good . not as good as herbies . but we can groom them to be as good lol . anybody use them lately ? there cherry tomatoes grew excellent .
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    I think its politics .
  16. B


    ok. i have another post going . about herbies . does anybody have any reviews of the quality of anything what you got from herbies ? i have some bomb brand its all piss pore used to be very good . wonder if herbie was just sending out what ever they had . please review you last grow from...
  17. B

    Any strippers here?

    lolly popping yes but stripping the bark no . i would have to replant that deeper into the soil let the very long stem turn into roots . if you had a better light on the top your plant would not make all that bs in the first place
  18. B

    Help me out guys plz

    do you read your other posts ? do you read info supplied to you ? do you take the time to learn ? (no no no ) you dont . again your answer to your posts . copied and pasted from your other post ....... they are hungry for nutrients . read this . i know the issue right off . read...
  19. B

    Help me out guys plz

    anonymous. unless your not the only person with the same aviator picture . i posted a lot of info on plant problems to you . and it would of answered all your questions . with pictures .