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  1. vBuDLiGHTv

    1st grow, is there a problem with this?

    holly cow that's a fat baby lol
  2. vBuDLiGHTv

    Newbie help...

    but my main question is if it's dew or spider egg's dose it need to be removed no madder what?
  3. vBuDLiGHTv

    Newbie help...

    but layed perfectly at the tip? lol what kind of spider will lay perfectly at the main tin and the little tip's that run down the leaf?
  4. vBuDLiGHTv

    Newbie help...

    so can i remove it like right now with out doing damage?
  5. vBuDLiGHTv

    Newbie help...

    i have no idea i am a complete newbie at growing.. it was just weird little water balls clear as spring water hear and there on some leafs and some leafs don't have... this is why i asked lol
  6. vBuDLiGHTv

    Newbie help...

    o'k i was out smoking a cig and i was checking my plant being grown outside and i noticed some water balls at the tip of some leaf's.. not only at the tip but some down the leaf hear and there.. i have no idea what this might be.. good or bad thing?? i was going to take pic's but every pic i...
  7. vBuDLiGHTv

    Need some advice/help..

    were can i buy these nutes?
  8. vBuDLiGHTv

    Need some advice/help..

    i was not even going to grow nothing.. i just woke up one day and there was a baby plant in my driveway.. my brother smoke's so we all know how this happen.. i wasn't just going to kill it.. i just wanted to give here a chance.. that's why i am asking were to get some fert at so i can help this...
  9. vBuDLiGHTv

    Need some advice/help..

    20 20 20 fertilizer?? where can i find that??
  10. vBuDLiGHTv

    lights and timing? will this work?

    yes they will die slow horrible deaths
  11. vBuDLiGHTv

    Need some advice/help..

    what's a good mixture for the water i put into my plant?? plain tap water or is there something i don't know about? i here every one talking about nutts, what kind of nutts and where can i buy them? it's my first grow and i was wondering how i can make this little girl's life much easier... so...
  12. vBuDLiGHTv

    leafs hangin straight down!! 2 days like this

    holly cow that look's like it is dieing ahhhh... it's a male any way's so it's no good..
  13. vBuDLiGHTv

    1st grow, my plants are pissing me off!

    this is one funny post... some one need's to call the weed police on this guy pronto
  14. vBuDLiGHTv

    come to my profile next sunday will have week 5 picture's.. if you wan't to come along for the...

    come to my profile next sunday will have week 5 picture's.. if you wan't to come along for the ride and see if this poor little mama make's it or flat line's lol... i'm protecting her from my meany brother lol...
  15. vBuDLiGHTv

    Need some advice...

    o'k got some very good soil, my plant is 4 week's old and i am wondering if it's a smart thing to change the soil?? if it is possible how would i go about changing it?? is it a good thing to have th root's naked for new soil??:?:
  16. vBuDLiGHTv

    plants shriveling up and dying

    don't feel so bad i'm on my 6th plant...
  17. vBuDLiGHTv

    thanks for the warm welcome..

    thanks for the warm welcome..
  18. vBuDLiGHTv


    kk thank's for you honesty..
  19. vBuDLiGHTv

    ex smoker...

    ex smoker...
  20. vBuDLiGHTv


    what kind of aid, any suggestion's? to reply to you'r question yes i would throw away my wife to save a helpless plant from a newbie like me.. that's why i am here hope'n some vet's can straighten me up on stuff like this...