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  1. H

    200w CFL autoflower Cabinet Grow

    Nice plant man :)
  2. H

    200w CFL autoflower Cabinet Grow

    Allright guys , today is days 13 for northen light and days 5 for candy cane , every thing seems to be perfect , im gonna try to lst my NL, hoping to get a little more space by bending it.
  3. H

    200w CFL autoflower Cabinet Grow

    Yeah they work great. Im gonna add 2-3 more cfl light around the plant to make sure it get enough light.
  4. H

    200w CFL autoflower Cabinet Grow

    All right guys, new little update. So Candy cane is now soon 2 days olds and northen light 10 days olds.
  5. H

    200w CFL autoflower Cabinet Grow

    I have no idea why she was curling temp is might be a retarde pheno lol
  6. H

    200w CFL autoflower Cabinet Grow

    Decided to grow 2 autoflower , 1 candy cane and 1 northen light! Hasnt pop the soil yet. Northen Light is now 5 days olds .
  7. H

    200w CFL autoflower Cabinet Grow

    The plant you see kind of drying is a Candy Cane that will give me like 1oz , it was grown under bad condition..
  8. H

    200w CFL autoflower Cabinet Grow

    Hello guys , this will be my first time posting my grow here , I am only growing for personal use. My set up is pretty basic , its a small cabinet that is about 3 feet tall, 2 feet wide and 3 feet large. I got TWO Pc fan as exhaust and intake , both are at 91.2 CFM. My light is a 200w , 14 000...
  9. H

    180w led to big ? So this one would actually be good , and would 300w led get really hot ? I find my cfl getting kind of hot lol
  10. H

    180w led to big ?

    I am also considering this one
  11. H

    180w led to big ?

    Are you sure ? Every grow journal with led weems to have way better yield with led light.
  12. H

    180w led to big ?

    Its about 2.5feet by 2 feet wide and 4 feet tall sorry for my english lol.
  13. H

    180w led to big ?

    Hey im growing in a 4 feet tall. 2 feed large grow box and currently using a 250w cfl light and would like to upgrade to a 180w led and was wondering if it would be to much ? I am also wondering if led light get really hot ?