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  1. beensoup

    Spider mites?... In clone dome?

    I treat mites successfully with just neem, Everytime. Flys are solved for the most part with flypaper. It works for me. i haven't eradicated my mites because neem works so well. If i see em I pick a little and spray alllot. once every 3 days 3 times. Mites gone.
  2. beensoup

    Spots - Bad - Urgent - Crytalizing nutes? Pics

    Deleting this
  3. beensoup

    Spots - Bad - Urgent

    reposting - new revelation - thanks please see re-post
  4. beensoup

    Spots - Bad - Urgent

    That is very interesting. I wonder. i may check that. It seems to be related directly to bloom nutrients. Everytime I up the nutes and or change to bloom, any brand, they do this. Hmmm something in the air not compatable with what goes in the water? I'll ponder and look around for possible toxins.
  5. beensoup

    Spots - Bad - Urgent

    Ya it looks like the light stresses them but because of the nutrient prob. I have 600's and they were not all that close. Thanks,.
  6. beensoup

    Spots - Bad - Urgent

    Forgot to check when i dumped all the water out to flush
  7. beensoup

    Spots - Bad - Urgent

    Ya ph was dialed 5.9 temps OK. Everything like that the same as prior successful harvests. I have a few plants I'm throwing into the experiments. One has high nutes with cal mag and basiccally all the other variations. It's done this with GH also. It's like someone is poisoning them.
  8. beensoup

    Spots - Bad - Urgent

    Wow. Ok check it. I have two mediums, Floating water I'm good at and Cocoa I've done well before in. I get the puppies all beefy and ready to bud. They were even stinkin. I up the nutes with AN 2 part sensi grow - cal mag, ro filter, appropriate levels, Diferent for each. I switch the nutes to...
  9. beensoup

    need help

    Not allot of info. But you have algae for sure. Hows the roots? H2o2 Will kill algae and pythium and help plants.
  10. beensoup

    Does this look normal? (White dots)

    Ya. dots, uh huh, Good luck. At least your vigilant. Oh it's the thc crystals that are on leafs. They are maturing too soon! harvest now! I jest.
  11. beensoup

    Do not ressusitate?

    Lights Lights lights
  12. beensoup

    What deficiency is this & how to solve it

    i don't see signs of strong nutrient doses on the leafs. Ideally i try to get the very tips of my leafs to burn a tad and the edges of the leafs ridge up a bit. But Less is Better! Is a good rule as you try to bring up the ppm levels. They are not getting the N right now. but right now you don't...
  13. beensoup

    Magnesium Deficiency?

    I just had to buy a RO filter. my water has something in it that locks out nutrients at certain times. My tap water measures: 7.4ph and 80ppm. Thats not bad numbers but i had no grow for a while til i fingered it out that whatever is in there hates budding plants. Yours look bad enough to me to...
  14. beensoup

    help! 3 week olds are hurting.. have pics

    I did dirt and when I adjusted the water PH to 5.5 to 6.5 it made the difference. Your potting soil should be good with nutes for a while and the plants should flourish under proper conditions before you have to add more nutrients. If your not giving them nutrients then you are over watering or...
  15. beensoup

    i have a problem,need help

    Ya just flush and wait a few days to start watering so you don't drown em. Often shop guys tell me to add this or that without thinking about the total ppm being toxic. You may have a little too much something in there. They look nute burned. Your pots are a little small but should work. Good luck
  16. beensoup

    City water poisoned!

    For some time now me crops have been dying. I didn't figure it out right away because I got a water analysis from my water company and it didn't show anything bad. My tap water comes out at 7.4ph and 80ppm. I figured the ppm count was low enough to not worry about too much of something in the...
  17. beensoup

    Nutrient lockout - Ebb and Flow

    ya , Ya burned 'em. I hate it when that happens. You set yourself back a week or two. Mild 300 - 700 ppm in water is good with root helpers like B1. The roots will have to regenerate. Treat them with light nutes maybe folier feed a few times.
  18. beensoup

    i have a problem,need help

    Need a little more info. Medium? nutrients? Hydro? dirt? Lighting? Specs could be beginning of mg deficiency. Look that up and see if it's what you may have. I can't see the pics real good but the ends burning resemble nute burn. No matter, You'll be better off flushing, dialing in the right...
  19. beensoup