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  1. beensoup

    Beyond Urgent - nute and water puzzle-unsolved mystery-help me-win a hooker

    Hi Friends, I've been hatin it with my new problem. i had a regular operation that produced successful yields. i used GH 3 part floro that I've used for years. Suddenly, one run, after changing solution to the bloom ratio, my plants exhibited signs of Mg deficiency but i had cal mag going. I...
  2. beensoup

    A little help here??

    That looks like N deficiency. I'm having similar probs but my leafs spot then brown and curl upward as mg deficiency. Lock Out! I am thinking I have a bad batch of either flora bloom, floramicro or cal mag. The 1-1-1 worked well then I changed to bloom amounts and they crashed hard til I changed...
  3. beensoup

    Canna Coco and nutes

    Cocoa is safe and the plants love it more. There is a ton of run off and you can use a ton of water and nutes. Then you have to throw the stuff away. But I got great results and felt the plants were safer from my errors. If it's practical for you I would recomend dialing in the cocoa. Good Luck
  4. beensoup

    Bad Nutes?

    Forgot to mention a few things. It presents symptoms of Magnesium deficiency. The leafs get small spots like mites do then they grow to kill the leafs like the pics. Since I had magnesium availble to the plants I figure it's Lock out. DUh! But WHY? I DUNNO! Thanks in advance
  5. beensoup

    Bad Nutes?

    Here we go again. I had this problem before in cocoa, So I went back to my old ways with the water table and it happened again. I'm tracing it down to possibly BAD NUTES. I had the batch #'s checked with G.H. and my stuff is not too old. I was using G.H 3 part with humic acid, cal mag, Big Bud...
  6. beensoup


    No, I havent considered ph as a problem. i will check it. tonight
  7. beensoup


    Here’s the skinny. I started to use cocoa and perlite mixed 50/50. I’ve done it 4 runs now, and it’s getting worse each time. With General Hydroponics at normal doses under 1000 ppm. Ph about 6.3. I used Cal mag for supplements. Right when I changed to flowering my leafs start to splotch as with...