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    Salivadrug test

    are we talking driving and smoking ? or for a job what . in Michigan its allowed to drive and smoke but you have to pass a field test lol . and it has to be stored in a locked box . but if your smoking it and driving but not all fucked up its ok . how fucked is that ?
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    Will a single 400w digital ballast cause radio frequency interference problems

    yes they can . what brand ? no matter the size they can cause noise . not common with a higher quality brand name ,
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    Problem with my mh lamp or not?

    lol. that why i stopped buying did side by side with ipower vs hortilux plant to me looked better under the ipower . same ballasts . same age bulbs . the ipower just had a bit more colorin the plant possible the spectrum was different i dont have a par meter to check just see the end...
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    was trying to say you can get different color cob . but they are not mixed in the unit .
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    im sure those are good . cob kits above i take your word on it . they dont post any specks at all . the lights are the same spectrum . i wonder what the par read out is between color spectrum . to many unanswered questions for me i rather spend a big more get a different unit that has...
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    Problem with my mh lamp or not?

    some of those mh bulbs look like they are falling apart or burned parts inside . some actually hortilux you may even see a powder looks like broke glass inside . all normal .
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    do t5's or LED/COB LED mess with radio frequency???

    hmmmmmmmmm . lol and hmmmmmmmmmmm . yeah i could see that being an issue . the earth ground could cancel noises out . should be an easy fix take apart hook back up im sure its there disconnected from the box . dont put your tongue or worse your dick onto the black wire .
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    Just a little update with pics

    tell us what your feeding them and ph . I see a few issues . we can get it corrected
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    Molasses Info & Help

    all this info , looking like you already have it all figured out
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    importance of temps in flowering .

    have to strongly disagree with you . 3 times running the same first time was an 7 to 8 82f second time 90 to 95 rated 0 out of 10 ! threw it all away and my woman was bitching ! and had 3k invested in it the e bill third time 9 out of 10 temps below 75f very high smell stink up...
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    Topping my plants

    strongly suggest google how to top my plant ? there are a lot of pictures , there are a lot of ways to top a plant some people cut the main stem I cut a bud site off wich forms 2 tops . look at some pics before you do any thing
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    anybody using these led lights ?

    damn look at that plant it loves the light leaves sticking almost straight up to absorb as much light as possible is like a cold person in the shower stretching out
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    do t5's or LED/COB LED mess with radio frequency???

    i dont think its your light it dont sound right to me . i used to run 6 of these lights 8 bulbs 4 footer never had an issue . only ones i had an issue with were a cheap electronic ballast . could not talk on the phone unless you went for a walk down the street lol
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    do t5's or LED/COB LED mess with radio frequency???

    here is what i would do if i were you . go talk to the people that live next to you . tell them you got a letter . tell them your running a lot of computer equipment . so have them turn on there tv if its static go home unplug your light . then go back see if there tv clears up . then...
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    do t5's or LED/COB LED mess with radio frequency???

    there is a way to check for this . just turn on a am channel with static and put the stereo next to the ballast light see if you hear any thing . this is expose to work i have read never tried this not sure . like posted above make sure your shit is not over top any cables if your in...
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    End of week 10 flowering...

    are you sure on that . they were not fem . they should be treated as reg .
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    13/11 light schedule during flowering

    this thread is older then shit 2010 come on
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    End of week 10 flowering...

    wait to long some plants make see,d possible pre see.ds look close use your finger tooth pick see if there is any thing hard forming