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  1. B

    900w led question

    go for it . I was going to buy a vipar led I posted in a different post . im glad you posted . im grabbing the 1200 tomorrow , the brand you posted it all looks legit
  2. B

    grafting plants

    wow so many possibilities , I think ill go this way . 2 plants 2 different pots all rooted ill cut the stems half way on both plants connect the stems with string wire so on wait to they form heal then cut the stem on 1 only rooted in 1 pot now making 1 major plant 2 different kinds .
  3. B

    grafting plants

    yeah once you have done every thing its time to mess around . northen lights x blueberry or northern lights x white widow . could have some serious potential an no waiting to form see,d blueberry and nl 2 of my favorites highest quality and together could be insane
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    grafting plants

    I know there are about 50 thousand different strands out there. any body have experience grafting plants ? I am thinking I could split 2 stems 2 different strands and put wire to hold the stem together to form 1 stem if you will then throw it into grow block or cube . can grafting...
  5. B

    900w led question

    could not find any thing , read a lot of reviews looks positive and they are 5 watt led , they are cob . chip on board ever led so it can have real spectrums . the par sheet they supply looks good . the reflector on the 1200 is 120 degree so there could be some waste light 90 degree I have...
  6. B

    900w led question

    looks good . 5 watt led bulbs I suggest getting the 1200 only a few bucks more , I may pick 1 up tomorrow 40 bucks more for the 1200 never used but been doing 5 days of research and I am no closer finding any good information on led im calling this company now to find out more data if I get...
  7. B

    Auto Flower 2x2x3 tent 300watt LED

    what led are you running .
  8. B

    what are ways to lower the temperature in a room?

    so this is air cooled ? fan blowing through the light ? can suck air from hot room blow through light hot air out of room . that 4 inch exhaust needs to be 6 at least restricted
  9. B

    Transplant or wait and feed one more time. ?

    can you tell us more . your goal and what lighting and watts . how big you want to veg ? your space . lot of people use 3 gallon pots veg 1.5 foot tall . 5 gallon pot veg 3 foot tall .
  10. B

    Y a Fan

    first of all to keep the cool to avoid hot spots you will have some serious shit buds garbage no fan . second mold , you can bet you ass you will have power mold in veg and in flower bud rot . you need to run fans 24/7 in veg and in flower . there are a lot of reasons to have a fan...
  11. B

    How far away should a 125watt cfl be?

    close as you can get it to the plants as suggest above also have a fan blowing over the tops of the plants can get light even closer . to close burned . to far away they stretch and that's just as bad as burned in my book .
  12. B

    led i want to try one . in flower . vipar spectra vs ?

    i take it the vipar spectra is no know at all must be made in some ones shed in china from stolen street lights lol
  13. B

    led i want to try one . in flower . vipar spectra vs ?

    already use a Philips in veg led tube and plants love it no stretch at all fast growth uses almost no power . its a weaker light I would not try it for flower no penetration . in flower looking at this or what do you suggest about 400...
  14. B

    Going from HPS to LED. Worth it?

    there is no way a same watt led will pull 50 % more then a hps . I some times throw 2000 watts on top of a few plants instead of my usualy 1000 why not and I average about 30% more hortilux with solis tek digital ballasts . so how the fuck will a led pull 50 % more that's bull shit . so...
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    12/12 vs 10/14

    higher power lighting higher quality finished plant . less light lowers the yield and quality . skimping on the amount of light is not intended in this topic , take my word and every body else will tell you .more light the better can save electric less bulbs but yield will also go...
  16. B

    12/12 vs 10/14

    sexy looking plant . need to figure out a solution in my garden my woman and her friends make the plants vanish . that lovely plant would last them 3 days . lucky if i could even try it .
  17. B

    12/12 vs 10/14

    could be a fluke in the room some times they just finish faster then they should . all temps measured @ plant bud height .
  18. B

    12/12 vs 10/14

    not the case . for both . the yield was the same and it did finish quicker . I thought it would be greatly reduced as well . I was reading a lot of articles had to try it . here is an article . could not find the one I wanted to post .
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    12/12 vs 10/14

    I switched over to 10/14 after I started to bitch about my e bill . and reading a article on here . I was thinking what the f why not . my results they finished about 2 weeks sooner and pulled the same and the quality is actually better then ever . I don't know if its the 10/14 or the...
  20. B

    Few dry buds on a plant?

    did the stem get bent ? are these the lowers ? if so I seen that too , the tops I have no idea .never seen issues on tops