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  1. B

    Thc bomb scrog

    fem .
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    Is this light a good deal?

    i did some quick math on one of those kind 1000 . power savings is 350 watts . and its .16 per kilo watt here. light is on 12 hours a day for most and the led compares to a hps 1000 watt . so the electrical savings is . 28 a month per light and a year its 336 so it will take 5 years . and...
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    Is this light a good deal?

    only thing holding me back on the kind is the price . so forced to be old school . starting to get caught up with the times .
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    Is this light a good deal?

    this light is hype . anybody know of a light that will finish a week sooner in flower ? i dont . only way to do this is to shorten the light period and crank the co2 .
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    Is this light a good deal?

    and hps are not measured in lumens much any more . its all about the spectrum and par out put the plant sees . so if this led company is talking about lumens they are about 6 years behind the times .
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    Is this light a good deal?

    that is a hell of a lot of cash. 1 light that WILL beat a hps hortilux is made by (kind ) led . there par out put was more then a hps . check them you tube . tested on monstergardens i would never spend that much cash on a light ...
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    Thc bomb scrog

    the thc i had looked totally different . the leaf size and less leafy . so i think i got screwed over some where . yours looking great and every plant is the same .
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    Pruning in flowering?

    are you new ? if so I am going to tell you no . so you know what branches you will need to prune next time . this time will be a learning experience . later you second or 3 grow you will know what lower branches to cut off so on .
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    Slower than Usual Flower Time Length

    possible the co2 factor has changed . less co2 then usual in the room ? i seen clones from a mother plant . only 1 matured 2 weeks faster then all the others . suggest looking into 10/14 lighting to get plants mature faster . google it . have an experiment going and liking it ...
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    Grow room set up

    notice there are a lot of posts with NEW members asking about weight or asking questions . how much weight you do or some where on those lines . we all grow veggies from tomatoes to green peppers .
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    How many grams with 4000w?

    here Is what I do under 4000 watts . just need to know how to space them and have light movers . this is the only think I grow . and or talk about growing . currently have my pc hacked by . so and so . so all my posts on roolitup are these plants pictured or I am totally full of...
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    another bryan o,conner post ! man now what ? regs vs female

    it may cost 2 times as much driving to the local store here . better to order . but always stressful
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    Thc bomb scrog

    bomb used to be my favorite some thing currently strange is going on with them.
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    Thc bomb scrog

    i currently am having an issue with the bomb . suggest putting them on hold . 3 different plants all thc . all look different . so i think bomb had a shortage or something put what ever in the package . first one was white very good .second was green average looking color but it came...
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    Running hps 13/11 to increase yield

    its all good another 2 or 3 weeks they will be done . if they decide to herm ill call them done .
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    Running hps 13/11 to increase yield

    I just put mine from 12/12 to 10 /14 . after I got a million dollar electric bill. started the 10.14 a week ago . they were not getting any fatter at 12/12 I thought I was just waiting for them to mature condition normal . well after a week of 10/14 they are almost 40 % bigger ! its...
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    How To Reduce Radio Frequency Interference

    there are a lot of old threads pertaining to this suggest you do a search .
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    another bryan o,conner post ! man now what ? regs vs female

    no clones . I know very well how to clone . also have a hydroponic cloner home made . the quality is ( slightlyyyyyyyy ) lower clone . I am talking a margin lower quality most could not notice at all . I am just cuckoo I want the absolute very best .
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    another bryan o,conner post ! man now what ? regs vs female

    im to old and to many health problems they wont draft me . I would not survive training . yea . more then likely no nukes but very possible ground war would last 20 years . who knows . I guess china north korea Russia all on the same side don't quote me on any thing . I was watching...
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    another bryan o,conner post ! man now what ? regs vs female

    with this war threat were having we might have to worry about food any more .