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  1. B

    Any ideas?

    she give out . lol / you hope its a she .
  2. B

    Any ideas?

    if you have the room and and legal # keep it . any thing is better then nothing at times . so it will pull half of the others . some times these slow plants the quality is far better then others but some times its horrible .
  3. B

    Pool Shock in cloners for 100% success EVERYTIME.

    i used it before . it just helps prevent mold and green nasty fungi . when i could not keep the rooms under 85 f lol even with all the ac running . keep your water cool dont need pool shock or bleach . and it only helps prevent this nasty stuff you still will get stem rot and no roots if...
  4. B

    uninvited friends and it bugs me !

    not my first time dealing with these little fun things . i had them very bad before like a real spider web back when i used to pack a lot of plants in a room . i should be stressed out but from experience and my low plant number i am happy i have them now and not later . will be...
  5. B

    Any ideas?

    do you always have the soil that wet ?
  6. B

    Any ideas?

    dont throw it away . it will grow what you want .
  7. B

    Any ideas?

    some times it happens . one will grow very slow others take off . dont clone from that plant its a runt
  8. B

    anybody using these led lights ?

    VIPARSPECTRA Reflector-Series ? thanks .
  9. B

    Any ideas?

    what lighting you under , should be a big bigger
  10. B

    uninvited friends and it bugs me !

    1 plant only 2 leafs very mature with a small amount of webbing . i dont understand why they have not spread to other plants yet strange . im sure other leaves have eggs have not hatched yet and i dont know if its lucky or not i can harvest in a week or so and have the dry before...
  11. B

    I need some grow room glasses. Any input?

    cant you just squnit your eyes ? problem solved . or
  12. B

    The big LED question...

    buy from ebay .
  13. B

    (DIY) How much LED do I need for a 4'x4' flowering box?

    would it just be better to buy 1 put together to me its cheaper assembled . ? what am I missing . these better then assembled or you just like to put them together as a hobby .
  14. B

    Can I give 24h of light to young plants?

    ok there is a lot of science on the plants your growing . I could tell you a 1000 words about it . short answer no your plants do not need a rest or sleep . and in the long run running 18 over 24 will cost more in the electric bill . cost per month might be down but in the long run it will...
  15. B

    Buying seeds what's best

    here is what I suggest best website . to help you out . what I use and buy from here .|google|LPNonTMVegetables&gclid=CLfCuvrp-s8CFQeraQod6VgLww
  16. B

    Mars hydro,2nd run - Super Lemon Haze ghs.

    all I can say is quote me on this .. (FUCK YEA ! ) looking like a hps grow . very soon to be testing the mars 300 one per plant .
  17. B

    Check the plant!

    how did you over the one plant and under feed the other what is different ? I don't care if the strand is different some of us run a lot different kinds and feed the same nutrients .
  18. B

    Curling fan leaves

    I have had issue with to low of a ph . about 4.0 way to low and locked out nutrients . I am getting lazy not ph water when I run clean water instead of nutrients . water is 8.5 never had an issue yet . I wonder how high it can be run before a problem shows.
  19. B

    Quick question guys and gals

    go for the added light . just place a fan over the tops of the plants blowing onto the fruits to keep them cool . as long as they are under 80 your golden . unless your hydro need to keep that water cool
  20. B

    what is the best led light cheap

    I will let you know budley what one I get and how it works . I will give you a picture as well vs hps . if they work well ill be running all led before next summer .