Search results

  1. TubeAndJar

    C99 x Super Skunk - Tiresias Mist

    I'm glad you finally got something! Gota keep some in your freezer, it''ll stay good for years if you store it properly.
  2. TubeAndJar

    greenpointseedsmerchant dot com

    I can confirm a friends order came through. Exactly 1 week from the time he dropped the money in the mail. Nice shipping package and very nice seed packages too. The only shipping cost he paid was to send the money in a flat rate envelope ($5 i think). All in all $55 for 20 seeds sounds...
  3. TubeAndJar

    TGA By Others

    I Lol'd right here. Good job!
  4. TubeAndJar

    Natures Green Remedies 2.0

    It's nice they gave us a temporary site (I feel like I've seen it before) but honestly, they should have the new site ready before they take down the old one. I'm sure he's losing some money due to down time. The new link has some exotic genetics cookies and cream drops.
  5. TubeAndJar

    greenpointseedsmerchant dot com

    They had a %50 off sale last weekend so i think a few members ordered. But I'm sure they have't gotten them yet, gotta wait for post both ways.
  6. TubeAndJar


    Better luck using a US based bank then. Greenpointseeds is having a sale right now on their site. Send cash or money order in an envelope to Colorado... super easy. But there are a lot of US banks popping up lately. Some let you pay online too. Good luck with your reship. Hope it gets to you.
  7. TubeAndJar

    Natures Green Remedies 2.0

    For real! Why does his shit cost so much more? And shit like Doggies Nuts on attitude. Like really? Do they really think they put that much work into throwing pollen on a plant? Is it because they grew 1000 of them to find the keeper stud/mom? I guess that's hard work but not worth $175...
  8. TubeAndJar

    Marshydro2 ...

    Chinese lights like this usually fail in one way or another. You're gonna love it, you're going to think it's doing a great job, and then half of it will go out. The next option would be to spend a bunch of money to ship it back for repair (even if under warranty) or buy new. You could just...
  9. TubeAndJar

    Natures Green Remedies 2.0

    I did notice that some of the banners were loading slow the other day. Maybe there is something up with their host. I'd like to see a site upgrade myself. Just sayin....
  10. TubeAndJar

    Check out my plant

    Yeah I'd say somewhere around week 4... the hairs just look really long and the bud is just starting to really show itself. What does she smell like?
  11. TubeAndJar

    Natures Green Remedies 2.0

    Nice haul! Let us know what kinda freebies you get.
  12. TubeAndJar

    out breeding IBL mothers

    Yeah that does sound pretty gross. I dunno man, you gamble? Roll the dice and see what comes up.
  13. TubeAndJar

    HydroStar ??

    I dunno man, they kinda look ok and im sure they would grow you something. But I just search for those lights on ebay and I come up with Mars as the cheaper one. Keep looking.
  14. TubeAndJar

    out breeding IBL mothers

    As long as that IBL was fire, I dont see why you wouldn't get something decent... even if it was fathered by that kings kush. If you're really worried about it, just order up some new beans. There's USA seed banks now that are cheaper/faster/more reliable because you don't have to go through...
  15. TubeAndJar

    Dr. Who

    Yeah, carbon filters. You know, for those places where its frowned upon to reek up the neighborhood. Quantum Kush x Dr Who sounds awesome! I sampled some Bubba Who (bubba 76' x dr who) that was pretty gnarly.
  16. TubeAndJar

    C99 x Super Skunk - Tiresias Mist

    Lookin' really good so far! I'll pull up a chair.
  17. TubeAndJar

    male stud for making seeds

    Check out this link here about choosing the right male (only 8 questions down from yours). Tons of other threads on here asking the ame question, take a look around. Once a male is proven to pass on the genetics that are wanted, it's a good...
  18. TubeAndJar

    Dr. Who

    I would also say this strain is very smelly. Order new filters before you flower these babies.
  19. TubeAndJar

    "Area 51 LED" Information and discussion

    The RW150 is basically 2x rw75s. Depending on the space you're using, having multiple rw75s might be better to allow for different height adjustments. The sgs160 is the previous years model... older tech cheaper prices.