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  1. R

    Head Shops In Pittsburgh?

    theres a place out 885 called hermits dwelling. its a tatoo/"gift" shop, just ask the girl if they got glass and she'll take u in some little cut room with some shit.. it will work if ur only lookin for a slide. the prices are a bit stiff but its prob better than driving to west virgina
  2. R

    Any other alternative to c02 besides yeast?????

    im pretty sure if u put a mentos into a 2 liter of coke it lets off co2 just make sure its not too full or it will shoot everywhere
  3. R

    first grow

    First grow im thinking that theyre almost done what do u guys think?
  4. R

    bending branches question?!?!

  5. R

    first grow -- question

    haha i live in the suburbs no corn fields around me plus i would like to harvest when theyre at their peak potency, i love killer bud but who doesnt? lol thank u guys for responding so fast too btw
  6. R

    first grow -- question

    just what i needed to hear so i should start lookin to pull those males late august?
  7. R

    first grow -- question

    ill try to get some pics up asap... the first batch is about 10-12 inches and grows a noticeable amount every time i go and take a peek at the garden (usually every other day) and the second set is still small 2-3 inches at this point id say
  8. R

    first grow -- question

    they were started in small pots and transplanted into a garden
  9. R

    first grow -- question

    hi all, im new to the site and im growing outdoors for the first time in PA. i have 2 sets of plants. the first is from bag seed from some good bud (guy said it was friuty juice but u never know) and the other is just from some bag seed they were put in the ground approximately june 1 and...