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  1. Maman123


    I am no master grower by any means BUT I've learned from my past mistakes
  2. Maman123


    Freebies I'll have to check but I'm sure my c99 are. Though I did order from a diff company this time. I used to always order from attitude seeds. This time it was from seedsupreme
  3. Maman123


    Lol mad skills yo? Let's hope this turns out good . I grew 5 times b4 and mostly always had probe with mold . But I have learned much from those
  4. Maman123


    Got 10 c99 and 4 freebies. All female
  5. Maman123


    Yes! They did yesterday. :mrgreen:.
  6. Maman123

    Has anyone ....

    Awesome bro, this is why I love this site. So much info and always guys and girls willing to help someone with a question or prob. Always very active here
  7. Maman123

    Has anyone ....

    Yeah it's healthy bacteria , or it eats bacteria. I forget. Fox farm soil has it in it. Didn't know mycorrahizae prevented mold
  8. Maman123


    I'm not a cop. Even if I was (local) why wud I be on here trying to figure out who's growing pot. My brother is a cop tho, but I'm not
  9. Maman123


    Haha awesome. But Rock on brother
  10. Maman123

    Has anyone ....

    But the bud rot was developing late flower I'm assuming. I saw when I cracked the main cola open .
  11. Maman123

    Has anyone ....

    No , this was when I cut them
  12. Maman123


    Yeah , I hear Ya about staying under the radar. I just feel so awesome about ma going legal for recreational use. I appreciate it concern and advice too.
  13. Maman123

    Has anyone ....

    nice! Did you use any mold preventative
  14. Maman123


    If somehow somewaY the law isn't enacted I'm not gonna grow
  15. Maman123


    I'm not gonna say Fuck the law.
  16. Maman123


    I'm not worried
  17. Maman123


    Nor will I if it isn't put into law. That is the only reason I even thought about growing come late Dec.
  18. Maman123


    I'm not doing anything illegal right now.
  19. Maman123


    Well, sounds like u get it vehicles dirt cheap, good. But yes 2k for a 97 toy 2K for a 97 Toyota sr5 4x4 is not bad
  20. Maman123


    I think the chances of feds trying to bust me for having a few plants uunder mass law is highly unlikely