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  1. M

    Early harvest?

    Also, it's almost November. I'm not sure about the season in Georgia, but here in California we are harvesting our plants. My plants have been in flower for 10 weeks. How are your plants only in week 5 of flower?
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    Early harvest?

    I'm going to assume this is your first grow. If you plants are in a spot outside where they don't get amazing sun, your flowers will be affected. If your soil recipe isnt right, the density of the flowers will be affected. It could be the strains you picked too. Just focus on keeping the...
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    Organic no till, probiotic, knf, jadam, vermicomposting, soil mixes, sips etc... Q & A

    Just harvested some GG #4, I'm an outdoor guy though. Love that plants structure, colas were as thick as my damn arm too so that's a plus!
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    Early harvest?

    Can u build a small greenhouse out of pvc? That should keep them warmer at night.
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    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    I do think it's important for everyone to know that you really dont even need the activated labs to create an fpe. Most plants and herbs can be fermented with just water. This is almost certainly not the case with fruits and such, but I have very limited experience with fruits. I have made...
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    Organic Feeding 101.

    Your can use rabbit or alpaca poop without composting it at all. My buddy had about 9 alpacas last year and in use their shit as a topdress in veg....plants loved it. Rabbit poop works the same
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    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    There is a free pdf of chos Korean Natural Farming. A simple Google search will find you the pdf. @hyroot all this chatting of FPE'S made me get the itch to get busy. I have 3 jars of nettles nw fermenting in the cupboard. I forgot how much the nettles stink during this process. Peace!
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    Organic no till, probiotic, knf, jadam, vermicomposting, soil mixes, sips etc... Q & A

    @hyroot welcome back! Your knowledge is much appreciated. Love the soil mix, mine is pretty much the same. I started using botanical teas this past year with great success (yarrow, chamomile, comfrey, nettle, horsetail, and valerian). I like letting the herbs sit for 3-7 days strain dilute...
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    Capt Jack Soil drench.

    I've read that capt jacks dead bug is very effective as a soil drench for mites. Apparently it goes systemic for about 30 days. I am having a hard time finding info on dilution rate per gallon though. Has anyone used Spinosad as a root drench before? And if so what rate per gallon? Thanks...
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    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    I'm wondering if any of my fellow organic enthusiasts have substituted coconut flour for young coconuts/coconut water. I think using coconut flour would be much more cost efficient, though I'm sure it doesn't deliver quite the punch as fresh. However, if it's on the same level as Aloe 200x as...
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    Coconut Flour

    Hello all! I was wondering if anyone has used coconut flour for their garden? I know that coconut water and young coconuts work wonders for the ladies, so why not coconut flour? It's just ground up coconuts. Plus I think it would be a lot cheaper than buying coconut water. I'm going to do...
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    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Your leaves really aren't that dark I doubt you have a nitrogen toxicity. You can get that claw from over watering too.
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    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Well if you have scoped your plants 10 times and still haven't found a mite, and seriously look at least 10 separate times, then it could be a minor burn from a foilar spray or bug prevention. I know that sometimes if I make a bug spray too strong I will see tiny white dots. Doesn't usually...
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    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Yes sir that is the one
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    Mohican's 2017 Season

    Beautiful plants Mo!
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    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    If your having trouble with Gills site, you can search the Web for free PDFs of Dr. Cho's Korean Natural Farming. It's a really badass manual, and there is way more info than unconventional farmer. I just really like how simple Gill lays things out and always send folks there first. Dr. Cho...
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    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    If you are into making your own fertilizer, check out Gill has a fermented plant extract bloom recipe on there. I just warn to travel that road with caution. I have let some fermentations get way to strong and burned my plants. Also, a Valerian root tea has a nice...
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    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Loving the ROLS!!!!!
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    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Yes sir...and make sure that you mulch the clover back into the pots. I would also suggest starting a comfrey garden. Mulching comfrey into your no till pots is pretty much the greatest thing in the world. It will really make your ladies happy. Good luck!