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  1. M

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    In my experience, if you want to go from a recycled living soil to a no till situation cover crops are very important. Clover is a great one to use.
  2. M

    Captain Jacks DeadBug in flower?

    I have a very minor mite problem nothing too crazy. But after doing some research I found out its safe for use in flower. I doubt I use it very often, but I like having a variety to use in my arsenal. Especially since some of my homemade sprays make me nervous to spray in flower. Capt Jacks...
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    Captain Jacks DeadBug in flower?

    My buddy gave me a bottle of Captain Jacks to try. Is it safe to use in flower? I have never used this product so all input is highly appreciated! Peace!
  4. M

    Need help with top dressing ( first grow )

    Your soil recipe looks fine, especially if the worm castings are homemade. I don't think you need to top dress anything. I would order some organic comfrey leaf though and make some teas with it. Once a week if you want. Tons of phosphorous in comfrey, as well as minerals. It's seriously...
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    Spider Mites kicking my ass

    In my opinion if you want to buy a product to kill mites the best is Trifecta Crop Control. It can be used in veg or flower and it works very very well. It's really expensive though. Simmering hot peppers and garlic for 10 mins and letting it sit overnight straining and spraying works very...
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    Out Door Trellising..

    I set up 4 bamboo stakes in each pots I then cut a piece of trellis to fit the pot 4x4 usually works for the 200 gallon pots. Then you just tie the trellis to each piece of bamboo. I always put the trellis up and let the plant grow into it, saves alot of headaches I think. I've done a very...
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    AACT, Bloom Tea, Veg Tea, Fungal Tea, Myco Tea, recipes from the outdoor guys.

    I gave my ladies their first comfrey tea of the season. They just flipped into flower. I just let comfrey sit in water for 3 days. Strain and dilute. Sometimes I add a little BIM to these soaks, sometimes I don't. It's quite amazing the response the plants have after this tea. Try it if...
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    Organic Feeding 101.

    Your the man for real!
  9. M

    Can I use wheat for SST's?

    I've been doing SST'S for over a year now, and my understanding is that any seed will work as long as it sprouts. Wheat will work just fine in my opinion. I've never used wheat though. I do run 2 SSTs a week though, one wheatgrass and one barley. I don't ferment them either. I have blended...
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    Wheatgrass for Organic mulch or tea?

    Hello organic enthusiasts! So I have been making a wheatgrass SST for over a year now. Those who use the sprouted seed teas know how amazing they are. For those that don't, well they are better than Brawndo that's for sure. Brawndo has what plants crave so just imagine how good these SST'S...
  11. M

    Best organic ways to remove spider mites (Advice)

    That's awesome I've never thought about doing that with cilantro. Could you use marigolds in your pots too? I feel a little cilantro/marigold tag team could provide quite some power.
  12. M

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    As aways you are the best Mo! Thank you.
  13. M

    Best organic ways to remove spider mites (Advice)

    Haha it is a little stinky. From my understanding the garlic acts as a pesticide and fungicide. The essential oils are all from plants that have natural pesticide properties in them as well. Peace! Haha
  14. M

    Best organic ways to remove spider mites (Advice)

    Boil garlic in a quart of water for 10 mins, take off stove let steep over night. Strain. I then add 40 drops of essential oils. 10 each of thyme, peppermint, clove, and rosemary. I take that quart and make 2 gallons of spray. You can also add hot peppers with the garlic boil. 2 day soaks...
  15. M

    SST (sprouted seed tea) do's and donts?

    I have always used my sst the day I blend it up. Ohh and by the way, you want a cloudy delicious smelling concoction. You did it right. I have read some people letting the seeds soak for 48 hours, after blending, straining and then root drenching. I have never done that though. I also...
  16. M

    Vermicomposters Unite! Official Worm Farmers Thread

    Started my worm bin today, and I couldn't be more excited. I'd like to thank everyone for helping me on my true organic road path!! On an amazing side note, today I went and picked up my worms. The gentleman whose home I went to was a third generation worm farmer. I did not know this before...
  17. M

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Well hello again fellow Rols and microbe enthusiasts!!! This has been my third successful ROLS run and I am incredibly grateful for this thread and those who share there knowledge. I have a quick question for anyone whom cares to answer. I am moving to a new property next year and the water...
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    Unconventional Organics

    Hello fellow microbe nerds! Just thought I share some cool stuff I did this run. First is fermenting cannabis plants. Every time I topped I saved them, and fermented them. Plants absolutely loved when I fed the soil this concoction. I also fermented cannabis flowers that I cleaned out from...
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    Can you aerate guano too long?

    So the weather has been strange this week and my ladies held onto their moisture longer than usual. I've been aerating some guano, kelp meal, alfalfa meal, fish bone meal, shrimp meal, fish hydroslate, and maybe some Humic Acid I can't remember now for like 5 days. I usually only let's these...
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    Fermented plant extracts

    Hell yeah! I want to make an immunity boost next. I have an Indigenous microbe box that's fermenting at the moment. I am really excited for this to be done. When I dug up the box of rice, there was like an inch of white molds and such. This baby is going to be potent!