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  1. sgtjayne

    Strains for war vets and others with PTSD

    That is why I made this thread, hopefully fellow vets will see it and gain some knowledge and/or pass some along :bigjoint: peace Sgtjayne
  2. sgtjayne

    My Barney's Farm LSD harvest

    This poor girl was grown from seed in a small 6 inch plastic pot, after she turned 2 months old I took clones off of her. After I took all that I could I put what was left of here into flower and here ya go. Shes still not dried and cured but when she is I'll post a smoke report. She has a...
  3. sgtjayne

    Strains for war vets and others with PTSD

    :-P Thank you to everyone who has given me feedback about this. Some of the strains that have been mentioned I have looked at before and I'm really glad that they were posted cause that makes me feel a little more comfortable about that actual characteristics of the strain. I am thinking...
  4. sgtjayne

    Unresolved issue still affecting leaves. Help solve a mystery!

    I agree the first leaves def look like they have a phosphorous deficiency though I would lean more towards the beginnings of iron deficiency than mg
  5. sgtjayne

    yellow burns? on fan leaves.

    Whats your soils PH and what kinda ferts are you using?
  6. sgtjayne

    Strains for war vets and others with PTSD

    Point taken :bigjoint:
  7. sgtjayne

    Clones drooping, first time cloning help please?

    Might be a silly question but if they are in a humidity dome why is there no condensation on the walls? Maybe you wiped it down so we could see them idk for sure but I know clones need humidity. Second do you have any kind of heating pad under the tray to warm the cubes up? Clones root better...
  8. sgtjayne

    Plant Problems PLEASE HELP!!!!

    First off check your soils PH and make sure that your within a good range. I think it looks more like a magnesium or calcium problem. Magnesium deficiency occurs quite often with soil that has high PH so i would def check your soil and are your checking the PH of your water before you water...
  9. sgtjayne

    Strains for war vets and others with PTSD

    Hey everyone, long time lurker but only few times poster :-P I am hoping to get some input on what kind of strains of cannabis would or could be useful for patients suffering from War induced PTSD. I am looking for a strain that could be smoked in the morning and all day long to help with...
  10. sgtjayne

    Newbie Soil question

    I thought that was a good thing? Meant the air in the tent was being exchanged at a good rate?
  11. sgtjayne

    Newbie Soil question

    We live out in the middle of nowhere and the only place to buy soil from within 2 hours that is nute free and not of a Miracle Grow varitey lol. I would like to use Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil but I'm not going to make a special trip for just that. So we purchased some Schultz Moisture Control...
  12. sgtjayne

    New Grower first time, white leaves and drooping

    Well it looks like we lost one last night, she's bent over completely and her leaves are shriveled and very pale. We got some Schultz moisture control soil to transplant into. I know that it prolly is not the best to use but the nearest place to us that sales nute free soil is over 2 hours...
  13. sgtjayne

    New Grower first time, white leaves and drooping

    @watchhowIdoit, do u mean that I should wrap the pellets or the entire container? I really appreciate all the advice you have given me so far. Thank you.
  14. sgtjayne

    New Grower first time, white leaves and drooping

    Like I mentioned in the last post it was just a few minutes after I watered that I took the pics so the boggyness is from that but I am very much in agreement of overwatering. I've tried very hard not to over water but with the heat problems in the tent the jiffy pots have got dry very fast and...
  15. sgtjayne

    New Grower first time, white leaves and drooping

    From what I've read you should never have to adjust jiffy peat pellets ph levels. The plants were watered maybe 10 minutes before the pics were taken but I still believe that it is over watering and prolly from our high temps in our tent.
  16. sgtjayne

    New Grower first time, white leaves and drooping

    That is correct and mine are still at 7.0. I was asking because another submitted said to lower my ph to 5.8.
  17. sgtjayne

    New Grower first time, white leaves and drooping

    No nutes, I've read not to use before the first two weeks. Any idea what a easy way to jiffy pots PH down?
  18. sgtjayne

    New Grower first time, white leaves and drooping

    Hi everyone, first time grower here and I'm not sure if I should be worried or if I should stop watering or what I need to do, so any help is greatly appreciated. Info: 400 Watt Metal Halide (4 feet about plants) Mylar Grow tent, (6 feet tall, 3 feet long, and about 2 feet depth) 3 Lowyrder 2's...