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  1. Maman123

    foxfarm soil is great but...

    Awesomeness it's cheaper too
  2. Maman123

    foxfarm soil is great but...

    Thanks Tim, that looks so much better than buying Fox farm liquid nutes
  3. Maman123

    would you date a transgender if.....

    Ure cool with being the catcher?
  4. Maman123

    would you date a transgender if.....

    What happens after she gets her operation?!
  5. Maman123

    would you date a transgender if.....

    If she's hot and wants to be the catcher she can want to be a dinosaur for all I care. Lol!
  6. Maman123


    if I was growing veggies I would use a cheaper soil, something like 3 bucks a bag
  7. Maman123

    c99 indoors?

    How were the effects? Did any plants that you grew take on a couchlock affect? Did any show traits of indica or did they all show traits of sativa?
  8. Maman123

    c99 indoors?

    You grew c99?
  9. Maman123

    c99 indoors?

    Anyone grown c99 indoors? What style did u use to grow? I perfer letting the plant grow natural, besides taking lower branches off. Was she tall and lanky? This is my first time growing a "sativa"
  10. Maman123

    What are you growing, and Why?

    What are you growing, and Why?
  11. Maman123


    Idk a damn thing about hydro. So I'll stick to soil for now
  12. Maman123


    It's legal to grow recreationally in Massachusetts. I find it funny and awesome that people are buying the shit outta ffof. Cuz c'mon , who's gonna spend $20a bag on soil to grow tomato or peppers indoors in the winter
  13. Maman123


    Called up a local garden center, he said ffof has been selling out like crazy. Gee, I wonder why, maybe because Massachusetts legalized homegrowing! Ya buddy
  14. Maman123

    foxfarm soil is great but...

    I'm gonna be growing 8 c99 plants using 2 400 watt lights. Seeds shud be here anyday now, unless they get intercepted
  15. Maman123

    foxfarm soil is great but...

    Idc if anyone talks bad about ffof because like I said, biggest plants I ever grew.
  16. Maman123

    foxfarm soil is great but...

    Hmmm happy frog dry fert. I'm gonna look that up. Does it have instructions? I don't want to add too much and burn
  17. Maman123

    Has anyone ....

    I grew before with adequate ventilation and had a dehumidifier set at 40-45 percent humidity and still had some bud rot after harvest
  18. Maman123

    Has anyone ....

    has anyone not have had mold/ bud rot without using fungicide? Also what is your suggestion for fungicide? Thanks!
  19. Maman123

    foxfarm soil is great but...

    Hey , I have no regrets about my previous grow using Ffof , biggest plants I ever grew
  20. Maman123

    foxfarm soil is great but...

    Wish I cud get ffof for 12 a bag. They don't sell it near me which means I wud have to order online. N shipping is ridiculous. I'm planning on needing 33-35gal. Of soil, perlite mix