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  1. K

    2nd attempt, better restult

    oh ok, so you would suggest using very little nutes when using this soil?
  2. K

    2nd attempt, better restult

    awesome, thanks for the advice. i am using miracle grow/moisture control that was picked up from HD. any other advice would be greatly appreciated. i'm hoping the other 2 that i planted yesterday will start to pop out by tomorrow. very excited about this
  3. K

    2nd attempt, better restult

    first attempt was horrible, went no were. here's my 2nd attempt right now i'm just using a 23 watt fluorescent soft light bulb. i know i should be using daylight, but grabbed this instead without reading it. so far so good though. been only feeding it water, no nutrients. when should the...
  4. K

    Anyone ever ordered from

    i have emailed them today. I just never ordered from them before and did reading on the site before i even tried to order from them to see if they are legit. even saw a post on here about them so i thought i'd give it a try but reading that status is making me worry
  5. K

    Anyone ever ordered from

    i have just ordered from them a couple of days ago and this is what my status says. "Status: Exception See description below THE SHIPPER HAS REQUESTED A MODIFIED INTERCEPT FOR THIS PACKAGE / DELIVERY TO AN ALTERNATE ADDRESS WAS REQUESTED" it's being sent elsewere. should i worry?
  6. K

    ok 4 seeds cracked out of 10 (question)

    ok, TY! been mostly just reading the newbie forums of the FAQ
  7. K

    ok 4 seeds cracked out of 10 (question)

    what would be the chances of having a female? scared they may all be males. waiting on one more day (using the glass method of germinating and tomorrow is my 3rd day) to see if the roots stretched out more. the glass (water) is now empty but the pape towel is still wet another question...
  8. K

    question of certain amount of the nutrients are put according to the size........

    oh and i am only using 5 seeds. i read that just putting one will not germinate. is 5 good enough? or throw in the rest? i wanted to just use 5 to see how well i do
  9. K

    question of certain amount of the nutrients are put according to the size........

    yes, i'm using paper towels doing the plate method of using 2 plates, covering them with tape and leaving it on top of a cable box
  10. K

    question of certain amount of the nutrients are put according to the size........

    ok thank you. I just checked to see if it sprouted. been 3 days and no sprout. should i just plant them in the pot?
  11. K

    question of certain amount of the nutrients are put according to the size........

    oh and one more question..........being that i shouldn't worry about the nutrients till week 2 or 3, should i not also worry about the PH balance? or should i make sure it's between the numbers it should be?
  12. K

    question of certain amount of the nutrients are put according to the size........

    oh ok, thank you very much. i was first thinking it was maybe per gallon of water but then thought it can't be.......must be the size of the pots they are talking about. Thanks again! very helpfull
  13. K

    question of certain amount of the nutrients are put according to the size........

    of the pot right? so say it asks for about 2 tbs per gallon use (of a pot i'm assuming).....what amount of water should be put in to mix the nutrients and then add. also.........when having to water the plant again in the same day..........should i use the same nutrients? or should i give...
  14. K

    can it grow healthy without a PPM? or is that highly needed?

    ok i have just about everything for the grow but a PPM this will be my first attempt at this and was wondering if it can be done without a PPM and how would i go about without using a PPM
  15. K has anyone ever ordered from them?

    i would like to order from this site but i am paranoid and wanting to know has anyone else ordered from them? and if you have, does it show on the credit card statement as to what it may be? i ordered from dr chronics (i'm in the states and it wasn't seeds since they don't send to the U.S)...
  16. K

    question for the experienced of how they started, mistakes that was done, etc etc.

    I would like to hear success stories of how you first started.........all the mistakes you've gone through, learned. I ordered some seeds through nirvana.........this will be my first ever. Still reading lots of how to take care of the plant. I'm so excited about it, can't wait. Thank you
  17. K

    what is a good site to get all what is needed for plant growth?

    i am new to this.........this will be my first attempt at it and just looking for a good trusted site i can use to order the supplies without worries (i am paranoid). Thank you
  18. K

    Please help a new dealer out.

    well over on the east side of the states .4 = 10 .8 = 20 i actually was told by someone who's been doing it for a long time (uses and knows dealers) today. but wasn't sure if it was for all types.......or for nothern light cause that's what we mainly was talking about. i'm new myself
  19. K

    which seeds would be easier for a newbie to use

    so which ones are less scented? I would rather go cheap on my first buy, being that i am new and i don't want to spend top dollar with me maybe not doing a good job taking care of it
  20. K

    which seeds would be easier for a newbie to use

    what is the link to the site? i was going to order it on just a little hesitant to which site to use, which is legit