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  1. K

    3rd attempt, using Haze

    ah ok, sure thing. i'll probably update mines with photos every weekend
  2. K

    3rd attempt, using Haze

    good luck in your first attempt. would like to see your grow journal as well. I've bought a couple of magazines to help out some.
  3. K

    3rd attempt, using Haze

    my first attempt was a disaster. 2nd attempt was a bit better. was able to get 3 of 10 seeds to grow and all 3 turned out female, but since i kept them very short.........didn't yield in much. so here is my 3rd attempt and i am using haze. also i am using better lighting for them and a...
  4. K

    safe sites to order soil, mediums etc etc.

    ah ok, thanks for the info. yeah i'm quite a paranoid person so don't want to show any evidence that i could be doing something. was going to buy mediums and plant some regular plants around the home just to make it look good lol
  5. K

    safe sites to order soil, mediums etc etc.

    i would rather buy the stuff, but i can't find a place that has fox farm ocean or any fox farms. homedepot just has miracle grow and this other bag, and lowes does have a good variety , but no fox farm.
  6. K

    safe sites to order soil, mediums etc etc.

    without having to worry that it will show on the bill or have the companies name on the package. thanks!
  7. K

    what to do when nutrient burn

    ok thanks! other question.......what if i did waited too long? i have a feeling i did. won't be able to flush them anytime soon now though since it's in the dark period for now till another 10 hours. i did before the lights went out added a bit water on em to flush some
  8. K

    what to do when nutrient burn

    by flushing it 3 times the amount and with the soil still won't drown the plants? i know it's a silly thing to ask you being that you are an experience grower...........but curious on it and just a bit paranoid.
  9. K

    what to do when nutrient burn

    ok so i was in a rush to mix in the nutrients in the water so the family won't step in the room and instead of putting tsb, i ended up putting tbs. well the 3 that was doing fine........2 of them are still doing ok (just a bit of wilting leaves at the bottom), but one of them has nutrient...
  10. K

    were to purchase cola seeds?

    haven't really done a lot of checking. found a couple but a bit paranoid in trying to purchase. anyone know any good links? message boards? please not links as in you know sites but never ordered er so coca, mistake
  11. K

    is vermiculite good to use?

    awesome, thanks guys. that'll save me a little instead of buying more soil.
  12. K

    is vermiculite good to use?

    i have a nice size bag of verm that i use for shrooms and was wondering if i can also use that for growing cannabis
  13. K

    timers? will switching around stress plant?

    yeah i was using by hand. just bought a timer today at a local hardware store and it's all set :) all i need now is to build a good grow box. tried tonight using sheet rocks but those things are cheap and it broke easily. i just now only have it in a box. 2 of them have stretched from...
  14. K

    timers? will switching around stress plant?

    that was what i was thinking of doing if i didn't get the timer. I was going to just let it sit longer in a dark period so i can switch the time on em
  15. K

    timers? will switching around stress plant?

    thanks people. luckily my schedule for work doesn't change till monday. will give me enough time to pick one up the weekend
  16. K

    timers? will switching around stress plant?

    i've been flowering for 4 weeks now and my job is changing my schedule. i am right now doing 10am-10pm off now with the new hours i can maybe do 6pm- only 5am how can i work this out? will this stress the plant? and does home depot sell good timers were i can pick up right away? need...
  17. K


    this one is male huh? i've heard with males you could still use them for hash? the other one that's a week older then this one, no balls yet. Just string like leaves around that same area. Hoping it's a female being that it's growing slower then this one and read that the males grow faster. got...
  18. K

    4 week old

    this friday will be 5 weeks exact. maybe in a couple of weeks can tell the sex? yeah i accidently bought softlights instead of daylight. then when i did bought daylight, they were lower wattage and the plants leaves were drooping, so i went back to the other lights. I also need bigger pots...
  19. K

    4 week old

    my oldest one of 4 weeks old. i was using low wattage bulbs and after a few days, the leaves all went down. then when i switched to a higher wattage, they all went up nicely except for a few, and those just won't seem to lift up. I am in 2 weeks of flowering and does anyone know what sex this...
  20. K

    using two 14 watt 650 each lumens,

    yeah in the beginning i had the light about 12 inches away and recently put them a couple of inches away from the light