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  1. moving_shadow

    man cave- feature wall graffiti

    I'm not too familiar with the jargon, and yeah it was really an experience, he would have stayed longer but his girlfriend was impatient. Anyway I'm actually considering commissioning something new now, this piece is 5 years old now just as a fun fact, he did everything free hand with a spray...
  2. moving_shadow

    man cave- feature wall graffiti

    this was done by a local artist (mak1one) a few years ago, was a magical experience watching him do it, took him about 9 hours and lots of weed and munchies
  3. moving_shadow

    fiat currency is legal theft

    I'm not a conspiracy theorist either, I would like to use facts if I can. I can't comment on the Illuminati, but it is a fact that the Freemasons have an active temple on South African Parliamentary grounds
  4. moving_shadow

    fiat currency is legal theft

    this is an issue yes, lots of people I speak to broadly agree with what I have to say, but continue working remedial jobs that provides no real satisfaction, basically the longer you are in the system the more difficult it is to remove yourself from it
  5. moving_shadow

    fiat currency is legal theft

    that actually makes the whole currency situation even more scary though
  6. moving_shadow

    fiat currency is legal theft

    okay then....moving along
  7. moving_shadow

    fiat currency is legal theft

    if you want to read half of what I say and ignore the rest, don't expect me to take you seriously
  8. moving_shadow

    fiat currency is legal theft

    central banks are privately owned... you are making up things as you go along, I would suggest you post a reference to support this statement that governments control central banks, in any event, they are two distinct institutions
  9. moving_shadow

    fiat currency is legal theft

    governments do not issue money
  10. moving_shadow

    fiat currency is legal theft

    that doesn't mean government prints the currency... you want to try again?
  11. moving_shadow

    fiat currency is legal theft

    government currency yes, but not crypto
  12. moving_shadow

    fiat currency is legal theft

    that still leaves income tax in the air
  13. moving_shadow

    fiat currency is legal theft

    at no point did I say governments can just print more money, thats something you thought up all on your own. You asked the question, and I answered it with your question in quotes (I don't know how more clearer it could be), and you still ask which question I answered if you are that slow then...
  14. moving_shadow

    fiat currency is legal theft

    the implication here is that fair prices are paid for services rendered where I come from, sales tax (VAT) has increased recently, income tax collection has become more stringent and many deductions removed or ring fenced in return service delivery has deteriorated and many economic agents has...
  15. moving_shadow

    fiat currency is legal theft

  16. moving_shadow

    fiat currency is legal theft

    this is your opinion, if nobody votes whichever government is in power after an election will by definition be illegitimate, also I have every right to complain because I did not give the corrupt democratic process legitimacy by participating in it also I did not say racism or borders were...
  17. moving_shadow

    fiat currency is legal theft

    if governments have access to loans backed by taxation, then they will continue to grow larger as there is nothing really stopping them except their ability to raise tax from those they govern
  18. moving_shadow

    fiat currency is legal theft

    well if you can provide the evidence to suggest that then I'm open to consider it but from what I understand, the corrupt deal between central banks and governments has led to government expansion beyond what is required remember the issue is about fiat currency, and population growth has very...
  19. moving_shadow

    whats your favorite game while stoned?

    everyone I know in my area plays the game stoned lol
  20. moving_shadow

    whats your favorite game while stoned?
