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  1. Skyhound

    Fertilizing when u have slight nitrogen toxicity - Biobizz line nuts and soils

    is i eventually reach that size , but only when they are bigger, u think its wrong this strategy ?
  2. Skyhound

    Fertilizing when u have slight nitrogen toxicity - Biobizz line nuts and soils

    yes i am , currently im watering with 1 lt. each pot , about to raise to 1.25 in the next watering
  3. Skyhound

    Fertilizing when u have slight nitrogen toxicity - Biobizz line nuts and soils

    I changed the title because of ure suggestion , im watering in the beggining of a 18 hour cycle and i left them alone for 3 cycles of 18 hours and then at the begging of the 4th i water , thats what the soil is telling me
  4. Skyhound

    Fertilizing when u have slight nitrogen toxicity - Biobizz line nuts and soils

    Sure i use biobizz full line and soils . First 2 weeks i use theire light soil in a 0,5lts pot , at day 15 i transplant to 7lts pot with ALL-MIX soil . I started fertilizing on week 4 with 33% potency and no N toxicity . On week 5 i up the nuts to 50% strenght (fix-mix) and on the first...
  5. Skyhound

    Fertilizing when u have slight nitrogen toxicity - Biobizz line nuts and soils

    This is my white widow it only shows N toxicity in the new growth And this is my LSD showing in older and new growth I need to water tomorrow and im afraid i dont know how to procede , last watering was week 5 and i gave 50% nuts , everything ok , but then on the 2nd watering of the...
  6. Skyhound

    Fertilizing when u have slight nitrogen toxicity - Biobizz line nuts and soils

    Hi , My line of nuts advises to fertilize in every watering . Because i have n toxicity , should i in the next watering only reduce the N i give or tottaly exclude the fertilizer with N? Ty
  7. Skyhound

    Oscilating fan always on on VEG is it bad

    Hi there , ive been turning the fan 15 m on 15m off , but they stay at a better temperature always on . Is it ok to have it always on if its a smooth breeze nothing to strong ?
  8. Skyhound

    Are the 2 most popular nutrient lines in europe our enemys ? Biobizz and Canna

    Thank you for the reply , it seems to be the best solution , i tought with a good schedule i could pass on the EC meter . Ure reply was very detailed , could u elaborate more on the flowering phase so i save that information on a notepad for a next run ? thank you
  9. Skyhound

    Are the 2 most popular nutrient lines in europe our enemys ? Biobizz and Canna

    yes ure right , but ill be left in a constant doubt of am im under fertilizing , thank you
  10. Skyhound

    Are the 2 most popular nutrient lines in europe our enemys ? Biobizz and Canna

    Yes i understood that later but for a noob , they are fucking us somehow . But i mean , in my case 50% dosage at week 5 day 31 still gave me N toxicity , this is ridicolous
  11. Skyhound

    Are the 2 most popular nutrient lines in europe our enemys ? Biobizz and Canna

    i made an error ? u can see in link they even tell start fertilizing when ure plant as 4 true leafs , i started fertilizing at 5th node with 33% and then 50%
  12. Skyhound

    Just a few pics

    Its hard to apreciate ure plants without the real colours , try to take a photo in the dark with flash on
  13. Skyhound

    Are the 2 most popular nutrient lines in europe our enemys ? Biobizz and Canna

    Im currently using the full line of biobizz , i invested a lot to give the best care i can give in terms of nutrition to my plants so i bought the full line . So they present theire schedule to public in a way that u should start fertilizing in the 2 week of grow . I followed the schedule in my...
  14. Skyhound

    Does this means my FIM failed and i got a topping instead

    Can u please tell me if it makes the same effect as a effective fim in turning the plant not so tall and the colas +- at same height plus more bushy ?
  15. Skyhound

    LSD strain

    Renfro u want pick theire 25 days old but with 1week delay , because first 10 days i had 25% humidity and lights off 12C temps , so grow was slow on first days
  16. Skyhound

    Does this means my FIM failed and i got a topping instead

    I made the FIM 4 days ago and this is what it looks like ... hope i didnt cut to much and made a topping instead , but at 4 days i should notice some grow if fim as succesful right =?
  17. Skyhound

    LSD strain

    theire fine
  18. Skyhound

    LSD strain

    Im growing 2 LSD aside with 2 white widows right now , germination 100% , no problems till now
  19. Skyhound

    Canna Soil and nuts

    thank you bro :)