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  1. Helmut79

    How much room does one pound of dried marijuana take?

    I need to know how much volume (room) does one pound or kg of dried marijuana take. Can't find info anywhere. Please help.
  2. Helmut79

    Indirect light during drying?

    How does indirect light from HPS lights affect bud when it's drying? What if the drying is being done in the growroom? If it takes only 3-5 days, could it do any noticable harm in such short period of time?
  3. Helmut79

    Re-filtering reverse osmosis waste water?

    600 dollars for the pump is definitely overkill. Not sure which kind of RO filters are you talking about, but my pump (automated) cost 100 bucks new from the store and it makes my RO filter give me 1 to 3 pure water. Works well. I have a 4 ton reservoir to capture all that RO waste water...
  4. Helmut79

    Re-filtering reverse osmosis waste water?

    I will test it and post back results. I'll measure ppm going in / coming out of RO (both purified and waste). Then I'll refilter waste water and take measurements again to see the difference. I will also measure pure water to waster water ratio to see if it will change.
  5. Helmut79

    Re-filtering reverse osmosis waste water?

    Pure water will start to increase in PPM or waste water?
  6. Helmut79

    Re-filtering reverse osmosis waste water?

    Okay, for some reason I can't find anything about this. Simply nothing. But how do I know if the filter (I guess we're talking about the main membrane) is starting to wear out? What are the first signs? How much more quickly could it wear out this way?
  7. Helmut79

    Re-filtering reverse osmosis waste water?

    I have a question regarding RO filters to people who knows how reverse osmosis filter systems work. RO filter makes pure water and waste water. Mine is about 1 to 3 in favor of waste water. What if I re-filter the waste water to save water this way? Do you see a reason why it's a bad idea...
  8. Helmut79

    Temperature, relative humidity and absolute humidity - big discussion.

    Acutally I think I got it. I just re-read all answers and from what I understand both ways work - dehumidifier and heating. Imo it wasn't a stupid thread at all. Very nice discussion. Thank you.
  9. Helmut79

    Few dry buds on a plant?

    Stems didn't get bent. Nothing unusual happened with the plant. Only thing is that upper buds got dry. Genetics?
  10. Helmut79

    Temperature, relative humidity and absolute humidity - big discussion.

    Relative humidity, expressed as a percent, measures the current absolute humidity relative to the maximum (highest point) for that temperature. Absolute humidity is the water content of air at a given temperature expressed in gram per cubic meter. The point of this thread is that I was having a...
  11. Helmut79

    Higher temp at night?

    This topic needs a new title and new thread.
  12. Helmut79

    Turning back clocks during flowering?

    Sounds reasonable to me. This way it would be 100% sure that plants won't get distrubed by the changing light cycle imo. Although I've been on changed light cycle for 3 days already. I guess it's not too late to adjust timers for the plants to get back their old cycle?
  13. Helmut79

    Few dry buds on a plant?

    All other plants are okay, but this one has few dry buds on it on 6th week. What could it be? I couldn't detect anything unusual besides that.
  14. Helmut79

    Turning back clocks during flowering?

    Are you sure it will be fine? What others think?
  15. Helmut79

    Turning back clocks during flowering?

    We turned back clocks 3 days ago. Does it disturb the flowering schedule? Lights are still switching on/off at 12am/12pm (same clock), but clocks were turned back 1 hour, so could this disturb plants biological clock? 1) Should I keep it on 12am/12pm 2) or should I change it to 1am/1pm?
  16. Helmut79

    Curing at 5th week of flowering?

    I thought maybe someone already knows the answer for this. Like in theory what happens with the plant in last 4 weeks? Does it get much better? It looks like this atm.
  17. Helmut79

    Curing at 5th week of flowering?

    What if I'd cure a bud that is taken from a plant at 5th week of flowering? This strain is recommended to flower for 9-10 weeks. I'd imagine it would be less potent and have worse taste, but how big of a difference is it going to make? The bud was accidentally removed from the plant and I've...
  18. Helmut79

    Help ! What type of bug do I have

    If they're jumping, then Springtails. I just had them lately. They feed on dead plant matter, so they're even kind of beneficial. Nothing to be worried about. Could be just psychologically disturbing. Edit: just read again and you said crawling. Then I don't know. Springtails are very fast and...
  19. Helmut79

    Higher temp at night?

    For example - he suggested to not let RH go over 55%, but what temperature was he talking about? He didn't mention it. Now the moisture is a mystery.