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    Incredible Bulk - First grow (advice welcome)

    Well happy to report that the cyrovac trick worked. perfect buds. All in jars now. 12x500ml and 12x 1ltr.
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    Incredible Bulk - First grow (advice welcome)

    bought bunch of em already. the cryovac was to dehydrate them. an old school fella said to try it as it has worked for him in past. into jars tonight
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    Incredible Bulk - First grow (advice welcome)

    Thanks bro. This is not for profit growing.
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    Incredible Bulk - First grow (advice welcome)

    Wet trimmed bro. I am only learning so open to getting taught. It took over 24 hours though to trim and in that time we had the heat wave come through. I now have them cryovacced to try and rehydrate thr buds from the stems. The big stems bend and small stems break easy, which is good, I...
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    Incredible Bulk - First grow (advice welcome)

    4 days in total and they were over dried. I hung them in one of those multi level drying nets in my flower room with full exhaust and intake going. I thought it was very quick too.
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    Incredible Bulk - First grow (advice welcome)

    End result, 2.5lb. Beat my expectations by a bit. Very happy with end result.
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Mate, best looking buds i have seen. Awesome frickin work
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    My Weed Growing Journey

    How big do you expect the girls to get
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    My Weed Growing Journey

    lol easy to forget! the look good but not as good as they will in full bloom!
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Auzzie auzzie auzzie
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    Incredible Bulk - First grow (advice welcome)

    Pot socks turned out to be a great idea. It made disposal very simple. Root mass ended up taking up the whole 50ltr pot. roots were all nice and white. very impressed with this.
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    Incredible Bulk - First grow (advice welcome)

    It's done. 12 hours in, still going hard. 0 waste. The whole lot turned into buds. So happy. 4 months of hard work to get here and 8 months in total since we first started planning. If there is interest I will post up my next grow. Enjoy
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    Incredible Bulk - First grow (advice welcome)

    Well the time is here. Dramatic change when I checked on the girls today. 30 - 40% Amber. Didn't bother with scope due to visual signs. They were cloudy anyway. They got flushed this AM for the last time. In regards to what happens next. I understand the drying process allows the chlorophyll...
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Finally I'm at home.... I wonder if the flock here is crazy enough for me. Nothing more deranged then an auzzie drunk on VB long necks
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    Incredible Bulk - First grow (advice welcome)

    I will fill resi tonight and only add my bloom sauce. Wednesday I will cease feeding until harvest day. I fucked up timing by 4 weeks, so have a sativa and an indica ready to flip. Will be an interesting mix. can only scrog the indica, so will get roof prepared for yoyos for the sativa and chop...
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    nother auzzie drop bear brat checking in.
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    Incredible Bulk - First grow (advice welcome)

    Stop posting pics... lol i got the same snip snips... seq represent.
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    Incredible Bulk - First grow (advice welcome)

    mate... exact same jars I just purchased.... wicked! Only issue I have with bulk is the slowness of growth. My critical mass has grown twice as fast. End of week will be harvest. Stop feeding today or feed to the end?
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    Incredible Bulk - First grow (advice welcome)

    Word on the street in drop bear land is GH is no longer exporting here. Fair shake of the sauce bottle aye. Just bought a years supply to be safe...
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    Incredible Bulk - First grow (advice welcome)

    Thanks so much mate, good to hear such positive feedback.