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    Incredible Bulk - First grow (advice welcome)

    Will try. Not much light in there with main lights off. I am running a demudifier 24x7, keeping rh at 40%. Will post better scope pics later.
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    Incredible Bulk - First grow (advice welcome)

    I'm at 10 weeks now for flowering. I think harvest time m8ght be in a week?
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    Help w design and setup on small commercial grow

    You got one point right bruh, I am mad. on the mobile phone stuff, all my grow related systems are in a closed circuit system. no internet or remote access. Security and stealth are always on the top of my mind. Shit, took me 6 months to break those rules by signing up here.
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    Help w design and setup on small commercial grow

    For remote monitoring I would look at an esp solution. This link describes how to do it. I will in time do a complete post on my automation setup to help others.
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    Incredible Bulk - First grow (advice welcome)

    Thanks for the great tips! My current flowering sauce is this(per 22ltrs): 20ml Cal mag plus 20ml florablend 60ml flora bloom 40ml flora micro 10ml flora grow
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    Incredible Bulk - First grow (advice welcome)

    Here are some test buds. They are drying now. Same ones at 1000x Auzziebrat signing off.... Bring on DA HARVEST DATE.
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    Incredible Bulk - First grow (advice welcome)

    Update.... Bit of changes due to unexpected growth spurts in my next run. Sativas are a lot more challenging. They grow quick and big. The Incredible in contrast was really slow, even in comparison to my Critical Mass. These pics are of my Crit +2 strain. She's 30 odd days old. Hybrid, Sativa...
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    Incredible Bulk - First grow (advice welcome)

    Rgr. Aim for 400PPM? Should I still be focusing my feeding with mainly P diet?
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    Incredible Bulk - First grow (advice welcome)

    It's the Auzzie way. We don't do things by halves... All in or nothing
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    My Weed Growing Journey

    Looking great man!
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    Incredible Bulk - First grow (advice welcome)

    Thanks! I'm enjoying it a lot. I'd like to sell the automation system to folk. Currently building the CO2 controller.
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    Incredible Bulk - First grow (advice welcome)

    messed up day count. up to day 61. all looking great in the bat cave. I think there is 1 - 2 weeks left... buds still getting fatter. Lights off pic as requested! Got dehumidifier running full steam now, don't want any mold. Shot from the usb microscope. So... harvesting... to flush...
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    Incredible Bulk - First grow (advice welcome)

    I'm not attached to it... half goes in the divorce anyway! lol... pm might be inbound...
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    Incredible Bulk - First grow (advice welcome)

    Will grab them shots today.
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    My Weed Growing Journey

    They are looking great mate! Will be following with interest.
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    Incredible Bulk - First grow (advice welcome)

    Day 55 - They continue to fatten up. Have hooked up the final parts to the room for now, humidifier and dehumidifier. I am god! Huehue
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    Incredible Bulk - First grow (advice welcome)

    day 51... growth is awesome! Barely any amber on the buds yet though, so I assume they are still fattening up
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    Incredible Bulk - First grow (advice welcome)

    This is all my first go. All strains are a first for me. Green Crack is high on my list to aquire. I've met a local grower who has that and ak47. I'm trying to get clones now. Bit hard to find strains where I am. Best of luck with your collection, it's an impressive range. Royal Gorilla is the...
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    Incredible Bulk - First grow (advice welcome)

    2 - 3 weeks was my guess. Got critical mass vegin, she'll be 60 days in 12 days time so I hope the bulk finishes up on time. Behind the Critical Mass will be crit +2. Big difference trying a sativa. Then got white rino behind that. The final strain will be Red Dragon. Saving the best...